“Peter Rabbit,” accused in February of being insensitive about food allergies, now faces a horrifying new scandal.
Before a screening of “Peter Rabbit” at a theater outside Perth, Australia, a trailer for “Hereditary” was shown. Despite the title, the movie is not one for the whole family.
Between images of actress Toni Collette screaming, a bird’s head situated between scissor blades and — the most gruesome part — a person ablaze, the fur flew.
“It was dreadful,” one parent at the screening told the local news website WA Today. “Very quickly you could tell this was not a kid’s film. Parents were yelling at the projectionist to stop, covering their kids’ eyes and ears.”
Mortified moms and dads “fled the cinema with their kids in tow,” the report added.
The offenders, Event Cinemas in Innaloo, released a statement, noting that “As soon as the staff onsite were made aware of the situation yesterday, the trailers were taken off-screen immediately and all patrons were given complimentary tickets as a gesture of goodwill.”
Too bad the complimentary passes came with an expiration date of April 25, 2018, the same day as the screening. A theater spokesman said that the passes will be honored until April 25, 2019.
By then there will be new scary movies being promoted.
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