True retriever: Dog plucks flailing man from river

In this Thursday, March 22, 2018 photo, Woody stands on the dock that he jumped from the day before in which he rescued Mason Ringer from the Okatie River, in Okatie, S.C. The dog jumped into the choppy, 58-degree (14 C) water on Wednesday and pulled Ringer, who was struggling after his boat had capsized, toward a nearby dock. (Drew Martin/The Island Packet via AP)

In this Thursday, March 22, 2018 photo, Beaufort resident, Mason Ringer kisses the head of Woody, the dog that rescued him from the Okatie River, in Okatie, S.C. The dog jumped into the choppy, 58-degree (14 C) water on Wednesday and pulled Ringer, who was struggling after his boat had capsized, toward a nearby dock. (Drew Martin/The Island Packet via AP)

In this Thursday, March 22, 2018 photo, Beaufort resident, Mason Ringer poses with Woody, the dog that rescued him from the Okatie River, in Okatie, S.C. The dog jumped into the choppy, 58-degree (14 C) water on Wednesday and pulled Ringer, who was struggling after his boat had capsized, toward a nearby dock. (Drew Martin/The Island Packet via AP)

OKATIE, S.C. — Forget sticks: A 7-year-old yellow Labrador retriever leaped into a South Carolina river and fetched a man whose boat had capsized.