Shipwreck Cliffs very dangerous
Shipwreck Cliffs very dangerous
I’d like to inform the proper authorities, DLNR and the public concerning the hazardous condition of the area referred to as the Shipwreck Cliffs.
Throughout my career as a lifeguard/water safety officer for the County of Kauai for a span of nearly 30 years, I patrolled the southern coastline of Kauai with our rescue craft/jet skis to monitor public safety and to observe hazardous conditions.
Over many years I observed the steady erosion of Shipwreck Cliffs from the perspective of being in the water and to note the impact that continuously occurs to the underside of this cliff.
The erosion has undercut this sandstone cliff from the underside, giving a false impression for those who are standing above this area on the top of this cliff. This ledge, which is highly traveled upon, is less than 4 feet thick in some areas, giving way to a drop-off height of 40 feet to the ocean below.
This cliffside is a high traffic area for fishermen, hikers, whale watchers, weddings ceremonies and guests that stay at the Grand Hyatt.
I want to inform the proper authorities and the public concerning this problem which I believe should be monitored as a safety precaution hereafter.
Myles Y. Emura, Kekaha