LIHUE — Women stood up for their rights on Saturday, and their voices were heard loud and clear.
Several hundred supporters, including men, women, children and dogs, gathered at the intersection of Ahukini Road and Kapule Highway, waving homemade signs and cheering to bring awareness to important issues. The Kauai event was held in support of marches around the nation on the one-year anniversary of President Donald Trump’s inauguration.
Sara Wall of Kilauea proudly stood beside her daughter, waving a sign that read, “Grab ‘em by the patriarchy.”
“I’m ready for a lot of big changes,” she said. “Hopefully we can bring some awareness. It gives us all some soul satisfaction together and shows our strength in numbers.”
Also at the rally, Cynthia Simmons of Princeville, mother of four and grandmother of 10, came to support the cause, as an continuous flow of cars honked horns in support of the movement.
“I’m tired of having a polluted planet and polluted Kauai waters and no women’s rights and no health care,” she said. “I hope this makes people get out and vote.”
Ashley Madayag of Lawai was in attendance with her 1-year-old daughter Phoenix. Her colorful sign boldly listed issues she hopes to put in the spotlight, such as equality and human rights for children’s futures.
“It’s important that our rights aren’t taken away as women, that we feel empowered and know we can stand up for ourselves and that our voices are heard,” Madayag said.
Her daughter was in her womb during last year’s march for women.
“I’m doing this for her and future generations,” she said. “So she knows that we care about our future and our future children.”
Jessica Gaskin of Kilauea was there to bring awareness to injustices across the country and throughout the world.
“We are united and we have solidarity together and we don’t all believe in what’s happening right now,” Gaskin said.
She wants all people to stand up for the environment, immigrants, health care and women.
“We have a person in the White House who doesn’t respect any of those things, and that’s frightening,” Gaskin said.
Michelle St. Michael of Wainiha said, “I think all women are valuable, and I don’t think the president respects women.”
South Shore friends Marilyn Hashisaka and Shelley Sutter, who also participated in last year’s march, were here again, protesting the presidency of Trump.
“He does not stand up for women,” Hashisaka said. “He’s a super callous, fragile, racist, sexist not my POTUS.”
Sign wavers came from all around the island, as well as from West Coast states and as far away as Florida. Gail Barton from Redwood City, California, was thrilled to be part of the Kauai event.
“This is a beautiful thing people can do to show they’re not dead and they can keep fighting and find optimism among beautiful people,” Barton said. “Let other people see that we’re not giving up.”
Sue Feutz of South Carolina attended with her daughter-in-law Leigh Feutz of Wailua Homesteads.
“Everybody needs to register and vote to change the current administration,” Sue Feutz said.
“We’re here to support each other and make a positive impact on the world,” Leigh Feutz said. “It’s time to start thinking positive and looking towards the future.”
Stephanie Stauber of Kapaa has hope, even though she feels we live in a frightening time with too much racism, sexism, bigotry and stupidity.
“We need to keep these things in the forefront, not only in political agendas but also in personal discussions,” she said.
Not much Aloha
Still marching?
“He’s a super callous, fragile”
Mary Poppins, “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”
We should have a contest to complete the meaning of the word.
Rich Haoles lining up to complain about the president others haoles elected but when Hawaiians complain we don’t want to be governed by their occupying forces including Obama “we should be grateful”
This is an act of war against our peaceful nation of Hawai’i….
Go home to america!!!!
1,000 people maybe. Donald Trump is losing fan fare. What’s going on? Not much. Flights out of Kaua’i are scheduled. So no extra flights to make it more polluted. Less cars, and less pollution. Trump is not giving in to any demands by EPA.
Rosa Parks was one. She didn’t give her bus seat, so the cops arrested her on the bus. Martin Luther King jr. in the 1960s. Civil Rights movement
Why not get that job you wanted? EEOC and women’s right. What was it? Engineering. Just like the projects around town. They need more women’s engineers to man the site.
Women’s right and NFL. Can we have more FF to eat? Who would want that espn reporter job? Not many women applied for that job, live shown on espn and local news station.
Women’s right? What’s your pay? Me watching you. Ridiculous. Politicians say it this way; me reading about you. Politics and women’,s right.
Nice to see people exercising their constitutional rights. But saw a few starting to effect traffic flow by waving their signs from the pavement, and some crossing the fog line.
Organizers should remind the participants to be mindful of the safety of the attendees and also the motorists.
I see and hear many people who can’t think and make the right decisions for themselves. Their blinders are awfully tight. And worst of all they have no respect.
It would have been more effective if it were not against the president but instead for all women. If you read the mission of The Women’s March it’s clear that it’s only for certain women that share only their beliefs. Therefore it’s not as effective as it could have been.
Kauai Hens demanding Protection from the Roosters?
Right..“I’m tired of having a polluted planet and polluted Kauai waters and no women’s rights and no health care,” she said. “I hope this makes people get out and vote.” says the woman with four kids and 10 grandkids that lives in expensive holier than thou princeville.
Here’s another funny one. A sign held up by a feminist that demands women’s rights, yet demands us to respect a religion that treats and regards all women as second class citizens. That religion would be islam. Don’t they know that it’s because of conflicting statements like this within the feminist movement that essentially handed the presidency over to President Trump? tsk tsk tsk. I’m all for women’s rights and saving the planet but some of these attitudes are just beyond ridiculous. Perhaps the feminists need to find a different color hat.
South Shore friends Marilyn Hashisaka and Shelley Sutter, who also participated in last year’s march, were here again, protesting the presidency of Trump.
“He does not stand up for women,” Hashisaka said. “He’s a super callous, fragile, racist, sexist not my POTUS.”
Aaaaaannnnnnnnddddd, there you have it………all because the worst female candidate the Democrats
could muster, didn’t win the election like she was supposed to do. Yes, let’s protest the female not winning. #StoptheMaddness!!