Fashion show

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island Wanda Kauahi-Muffly, Tawny Sasil, Angelia Cummings, Dory Dunn, Maelani Morden
Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island Paula Gusman, Melanie Torricer
Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island MJ Tamarii - Tahiti, Yvonne Teves, Kimberly Ramirez - Honolulu, Mei Torcato
Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island Robert Figaroa, Crystal Cruz
Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island Sullivan, Naia, Stephanie Chow, Nicole Pezario, Tori Pezario, Callie Toner, Michelle Gibson, Mora Toner, Lisa Costa, Mahina Costa
Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island Lily, Mariya Uohara
Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island Dia Battilla, Darla, Yin, Jan Martinez, Rhinestone Cowboy, Li‘i Lilikoi, Susana Pulawa
Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island Tonka, Joanne Woltmon
Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island Lani, Maile, Ashlyn Bloxsom
Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island Kina, Trachelle Iwamoto, Persephone, Hailee Kawakami
Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island Nikki Acoba, Jean Acoba, Geri Yamamoto, Gayle Konishi

POIPU — Fashion, entertainment, food, and culture wrapped into one nice package describes Style. Kauai, a holiday gift and fashion show held in the specially-decorated ballro0m at the Koloa Landing Resort in Poipu.