A humble suggestion
Once upon a time there was a most no class guy — a man of color, good grief — who lived in the White House. He often visited Hawaii, claimed he was born here — big liar — who disturbed an entire neighborhood when he visited. He often went to the Kaneohe Marine Base and worked out, played some basketball and once, he was caught on camera, I saw this, pounding the pavement in a pair of zori’s.
Too much.
Our new leader President Donald Trump, really put on a show. It must have cost us, the Hawaii taxpayer, a bundle. Which is as it should be.
But, I think, we can do better. Please, whoever the powers that be in our country, insist the Queen, that’s Elizabeth of England, loan him her Golden Coach and a couple pair of Windsor Greys to properly escort him through our city streets.
It’s easy to arrange a separate flight for the coach — and animals and handlers — I know because once I — a proud Republican devotee — flew in a Champion black American Show Shetland, Flash’s Fanfare Sensation, and, in a pony cart, drove him up and down the Spouting Horn Road. That’s class.
But I digress.
At any rate, it behooves the people of this great country to treat our exalted leader, President Donald Trump, in the same fashion.
Please write our leaders in Washington. Also drop a note to the Queen — writ by hand on a lovely card — asking her to comply.
Bettejo Dux, Kalaheo
Appreciate tribute for veterans
This morning (Thursday) the children of St Catherine School put on a program for Veterans Day.
It was wonderful to know that we (the veterans) are remembered in such a fashion.
I would like to thank all teachers, children, and the administration for their thoughtfulness.
It was truly memorable.
Aloha and many mahalos.
Bill Doherty, Kapaa
carebear821@ ymail.com
BJ,Just what we need in this country, more sour grapes. But alas, we are a free country to spew nonesense. Wha purpose & help does this do? All world leaders get this treatment. & it all depends on the country you are in.That is life, except it or stop watching fake news