Texas Fishing Report
The weekly fishing report as compiled for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for Oct. 4 and also available on the internet at http://www.txfishing.com :
BASTROP: Water stained; 83-87 degrees. Black bass are good on green pumpkin soft plastic worms and lizards. Crappie are slow. Channel and blue catfish are fair on shrimp and stinkbait. Yellow catfish are slow.
BELTON: Water stained; 81-85 degrees; 1.46 feet low. Black bass are fair on white spinnerbaits. Hybrid striper are slow. White bass are fair on white Riversides and silver/green Sassy Shad at night under lights. Crappie are fair on minnows in 10-12 feet. Channel and blue catfish are good on summer sausage and hot dogs. Yellow catfish are slow.
BROWNWOOD: Water stained; 82-86 degrees; 2.03 feet low. Black bass are good on watermelon and redbug soft plastic frogs and worms near brush piles, and on topwaters on main lake flats. Hybrid striper are fair trolling hellbenders. White bass are good on Li’l Fishies off lighted docks at night. Crappie are good on Li’l Fishies and minnows over brush piles in 10-20 feet, and under lighted docks at night. Channel catfish are fair on cut bait and nightcrawlers over baited holes in 12-20 feet. Yellow catfish are fair on trotlines baited with perch.
BUCHANAN: Water stained; 83-87 degrees; 1.72 feet low. Black bass are fair on green pumpkin Skip-N-Pop topwaters, wacky rigged watermelon Whacky Sticks, and crankbaits in 5-10 feet. Striped bass are fair on Rat-L-Traps and Spoiler Shads near the dam in 20-35 feet. White bass are slow. Crappie are fair on white Curb’s crappie jigs and live minnows. Channel catfish are fair to good upriver. Yellow and blue catfish are good upriver.
CANYON LAKE: Water stained; 84-88 degrees; 2.40 feet low. Black bass are good on watermelon red Whacky Sticks on jigheads, drop shot rigs, and white spinnerbaits along main lake bluffs in 10-20 feet. Striped bass are slow. White bass are slow. Smallmouth bass are fair on Smokin’ Green Devil’s Tongues on drop shots over rock piles in 14-28 feet early. Crappie are fair on minnows and pink tube jigs upriver. Channel catfish are slow. Yellow and blue catfish are fair on trotlines baited with live bait.
COLEMAN: Water stained; 81-85 degrees; 1.46 feet low. Black bass are fair on watermelon spinnerbaits, crankbaits, and soft plastics. Hybrid striper are slow. Crappie are fair on minnows and white tube jigs. Channel catfish are fair on shrimp and minnows. Yellow catfish are slow
COLORADO RIVER: (At Colorado Bend State Park) No report available.
FAYETTE: Water murky. Black bass are fair on chartreuse spinnerbaits and crankbaits. Red ear perch are fair on worms. Channel and blue catfish are slow.
GRANBURY: Water stained; 82-86 degrees; 0.22 feet low. Black bass are fair on watermelon red spinnerbaits, crankbaits, and Rat-L-Traps. Striped bass are fair on silver spoons. White bass are good on perch colored spinnerbaits and minnows. Crappie are good on minnows. Catfish are fair on nightcrawlers, shrimp, and live bait.
GRANGER: Water stained; 81-85 degrees; 0.28 feet high. Black bass are fair on chartreuse/white crankbaits, spinnerbaits, and Rat-L-Traps. White bass are fair on slab spoons. Crappie are good on chartreuse/orange jigs tipped with Berkley Crappie Nibbles. Blue catfish are good on fresh shad and prepared baits. Yellow catfish are fair on live perch and goldfish.
LBJ: Water stained; 83-87 degrees; 0.69 feet low. Black bass are good on chartreuse/white Whacky Sticks and JDC Skip-N-Pops around laydowns in 4-10 feet at daylight. Striped bass are good on Crème Spoiler Shads at night. White bass are fair on Li’l Fishies at night. Crappie are good on white tube jigs and live minnows over brush piles in 12-15 feet. Channel catfish are very good on minnows and stinkbait. Yellow and blue catfish are fair on trotlines baited with live bait.
NAVARRO MILLS: Water stained; 82-86 degrees; 1.10 feet low. Black bass are fair on chartreuse/black topwaters and shallow running crankbaits. White bass are slow. Crappie are good on minnows and pink tube jigs. Channel and blue catfish are good on live and frozen shad. Yellow catfish are fair on perch.
PROCTOR: Water murky; 80-84 degrees; 2.04 feet low. Black bass are slow. Striped bass are good on shad. White bass are good on pet spoons and slabs. Crappie are slow. Channel and blue catfish are fair on goldfish and minnows. Yellow catfish are slow.
SOMERVILLE: Water murky; 81-85 degrees; 10.68 feet high. Black bass are slow. Hybrid striper are slow. White bass are slow. Crappie are slow. Channel and blue catfish are slow. Yellow catfish are slow.
STILLHOUSE HOLLOW: Water murky; 82-86 degrees; 1.34 feet low. Black bass are good on chrome and crystal clear Tiny Torpedoes and on cotton candy and watermelon red soft plastic worms. White bass are fair on white and chartreuse roadrunners and minnows. Crappie are slow. Channel and blue catfish are good on night crawlers. Yellow catfish are slow.
TRAVIS: Water stained; 83-87 degrees; 9.48 feet low. Black bass are good on chrome topwaters, red shad worms, and buzzbaits in 5-15 feet. Striped bass are slow. White bass are good on chrome jigging spoons and minnows in 30-40 feet. Crappie are slow. Channel and blue catfish are good on nightcrawlers and cut shad in 30-45 feet. Yellow catfish are slow.
WALTER E. LONG: Water murky. Black bass are slow. Hybrid striper are good on chartreuse/white striper jigs. White bass are good on watermelon crankbaits and spinnerbaits. Crappie are fair on minnows. Channel and blue catfish are fair on stinkbait and shrimp. Yellow catfish are slow.
WHITNEY: Water stained; 81-85 degrees; 3.74 feet low. Black bass are good on green pumpkin Rat-L-Traps, spinnerbaits, and crankbaits on main lake points and flats. Striped bass are good on chartreuse striper jigs. White bass are fair on minnows and watermelon spinnerbaits. Crappie are good on minnows. Catfish are fair on shrimp, and stinkbait, and live bait.
ATHENS: Water lightly stained; 78-83 degrees; 0.68 feet low. Black bass are fair on hollow body frogs, football jigs and weightless Flukes. Crappie are fair on minnows. Catfish are good on rod and reel.
BOB SANDLIN: Water lightly stained; 77-82 degrees; 0.34 feet low. Black bass are fair on bladed jigs, Shakeyhead worms and topwaters. Crappie are fair on minnows. White bass are good on minnows and topwaters. Catfish are good on trotlines and prepared bait.
BONHAM: Water stained; 77-80 degrees; 0.86 feet low. Black bass are good on Texas rigged soft plastics around shallow cover and boat docks. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs on brush piles 12-15 feet. Catfish are good along creek channel with punchbait.
BRIDGEPORT: Water clear, 77-81 degrees: 0.56 feet low. Black bass are fair on Texas rigged Baby Brush Hogs in watermelon, white buzzbaits and squarebill crankbaits. Crappie are fair on minnows. White bass are fair on slabs and minnows. Hybrid striper are fair on slabs and topwaters. Catfish are slow on trotlines.
CADDO: Water stained; 79-83 degrees; 0.10 feet high. Black bass are fair on Texas rigged creature baits, hollow body frogs, and weightless Senkos. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. Catfish are fair on trotlines and punchbait.
CEDAR CREEK: Water lightly stained; 77-80 degrees; 1.22 feet low. Black bass are fair on spinnerbaits, topwater poppers and shakyheads on docks. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs in brush piles and docks. Catfish are slow on trotlines. White bass are fair on slabs. Hybrid striper are good on slabs and topwaters.
COOPER: Water stained to muddy; 0.69 feet low. No report available.
FAIRFIELD: No report available.
FORK: Water stained; 78-81 degrees; 0.47 feet low. Black bass are fair on football jigs, topwaters, and drop shot worms. White and yellow bass are good on slabs and minnows. Crappie are good on minnows. Catfish are fair on trotlines and cut shad.
GRAPEVINE: Water lightly stained; 76-80 degrees; 0.32 feet low. Black bass are fair on shallow crankbaits, shakyhead worms, and Texas rigged craws. White bass and hybrid bass are fair on slabs. Crappie are fair on minnows. Catfish are good on trotlines and rod and reel.
JOE POOL: Water lightly stained; 77-80 degrees; 0.65 feet low. Black bass are fair on Texas rigged worms, shallow crankbaits and topwaters. White bass are fair on slabs and minnows. Crappie are fair on minnows. Catfish are fair on trotlines and shrimp.
LAKE O’ THE PINES: Water lightly stained; 78-81 degrees: 1.27 feet high. Black bass are good on Texas rigged creature baits, buzz frogs and hollow body frogs. White bass are good on minnows. Crappie are fair on minnows. Catfish are fair on trotlines and cut shad.
LAVON: Water stained; 76-79 degrees: 1.19 feet low. Black bass are fair on Texas rigged worms, bladed jigs and topwaters. White bass are fair on slabs. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are fair on trotlines and prepared bait.
LEWISVILLE: Water lightly stained; 75-79 degrees; 0.69 feet low. Black bass are good on squarebill crankbaits, topwaters and shakyhead worms. White bass are fair on slabs and topwaters. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. Catfish are slow on trotlines and rod and reel.
MARTIN CREEK: Water lightly stained; 85-89 degrees; 2.12 feet low. Black bass are slow on Senkos, Flukes and Texas rigged creature baits. Crappie are fair on minnows. White bass are fair on minnows. Catfish are good on trotlines and cut shad.
MONTICELLO: Water stained; 83-89 degrees; 0.09 feet high. Black bass are fair on white buzzbaits, Texas rigged craws, and hollow body frogs. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on trotlines and prepared bait.
PALESTINE: Water lightly stained; 76-80 degrees; 0.54 feet low. Black bass are good on Texas rigged craws, hollow body frogs and spinnerbaits. Crappie are fair on minnows. Hybrid striper are good on slabs and topwaters. White bass are fair on minnows. Catfish are fair on trotlines and cut shad.
RAY HUBBARD: Water lightly stained; 77-80 degrees; 0.82 feet low. Black bass are fair on shallow crankbaits, Texas rigged worms, and topwaters. Crappie are fair on minnows. White bass are good on slabs and minnows. Hybrid striper are fair on slabs and topwaters. Catfish are good on trotlines.
RAY ROBERTS: Water lightly stained; 76-79 degrees; 0.29 feet low. Black bass are good on drop shot worms, football jigs and shallow crankbaits. White bass are good on minnows and topwaters. Crappie are good on minnows. Catfish are fair on trotlines.
RICHLAND CHAMBERS: Water lightly stained; 76-80 degrees; 1.66 feet low. Black bass are good on bladed jigs, Texas rigged craws and wacky rigged worms. White bass are good on slabs and topwaters. Hybrid striper are fair on slabs. Crappie are good on minnows. Catfish are good on trotlines and punchbait.
TAWAKONI: Water stained; 78-81 degrees; 0.39 feet low. Black bass are good on Texas rigged creature baits, bladed jigs and topwater walking baits. White bass are good on slabs and minnows. Hybrid bass are fair on slabs and topwaters. Crappie are good on minnows. Catfish are fair on trotlines.
TEXOMA: Water lightly stained; 75-79 degrees; 1.35 feet low. Black bass are good on shakeyhead worms, topwater poppers and shallow crankbaits. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Striped bass are good on slabs and topwaters. Catfish are fair on trotlines.
WEATHERFORD: Water lightly stained; 0.93 feet low. No report available.
WRIGHT PATMAN: Water stained; 4.37 feet high. No report available.
AMISTAD: Water murky; 85-89 degrees; 27.01 feet low. Black bass are fair on white or bone colored frogs and spooks, and on plum colored weightless worms in 4-8 feet. Striped bass are fair on green DD-22’s. White bass are slow. Catfish are fair on live bait. Yellow catfish are slow. Everyone in a boat must have a Mexico fishing license (if fishing the Mexico side) whether fishing or not.
BRAUNIG: Water murky. Black bass are good on chartreuse crankbaits and soft plastic worms. Striped bass are good on liver and shad. Redfish are fair on perch, shad, and silver spoons. Channel catfish are good on liver, cut bait, and cheesebait. Blue catfish are good on cut bait.
CALAVERAS: Water murky. Black bass are fair on dark soft plastic worms, spinnerbaits, and crankbaits around reed beds. Striped bass are slow. Redfish are good on perch and tilapia along the shoreline. Channel and blue catfish are fair on liver and cheesebait. Yellow catfish are slow.
CHOKE CANYON: Water stained; 81-85 degrees; 23.50 feet low. Black bass are good on green pumpkin soft plastic worms and crankbaits. White bass are slow. Crappie are slow. Channel and blue catfish are good on punchbait in 5-15 feet. Yellow catfish are slow.
COLETO CREEK: Water clear; 91 degrees at the hot water discharge, 83 degrees in main lake; 0.12 feet high. Black bass are fair on crankbaits in 6-10 feet. White bass are slow. Crappie are slow. Channel and blue catfish are fair on perch in 8-10 feet. Yellow catfish are slow.
FALCON: Water murky; 84-88 degrees; 24.09 feet low. Black bass are slow. Striped bass are slow. Crappie are slow. Channel and blue catfish are slow. Yellow catfish are slow. Everyone in a boat must have a Mexico fishing license (if fishing the Mexico side) whether fishing or not.
CONROE: Water stained; 81-85 degrees; 0.13 feet low. Black bass are good on pumpkinseed soft plastics, spinnerbaits, and crankbaits in 15-25 feet. Striped bass are slow. Crappie are fair on minnows and pink tube jigs. Catfish are fair on stinkbait, liver, and frozen shrimp.
GIBBONS CREEK: Water stained. Black bass are fair on chartreuse soft plastics, spinnerbaits, and Rat-L-Traps. Crappie are fair on minnows and white tube jigs. Catfish are good on stinkbait, shrimp, and liver.
HOUSTON COUNTY: Water stained; 84-88 degrees; 0.27 feet low. Black bass to 8 pounds are very good on soft plastic worms in 1-15 feet. Crappie are very good on live minnows in 14 feet. Bream are very good on live worms. Channel and blue catfish to 7 pounds are very good on juglines baited with cut bait. Yellow catfish are slow.
LIVINGSTON: Water stained; 81-85 degrees; 0.36 feet low. Black bass are good on watermelon soft plastics and crankbaits. Striped bass are fair on troll tubes and pet spoons. White bass are fair on troll tubes and pet spoons. Crappie are good on minnows. Blue catfish are good on shad. Yellow catfish are slow.
SAM RAYBURN: Water stained; 82-86 degrees; 0.14 feet high. Black bass are good on redbug soft plastic worms and buzzbaits in 15-25 feet, and on topwaters early and late. White bass are fair on minnows. Crappie are fair on live minnows. Bream are good on nightcrawlers. Catfish are fair on trotlines baited with live bait.
STEINHAGEN: 1.44 feet high. No report available.
TOLEDO BEND: Water stained; 83-87 degrees; 3.96 feet low. Black bass are fair on watermelon/blue flake Finesse and redbug soft plastic worms. Striped bass are slow. White bass are fair on minnows and silver spoons. Crappie are good on live minnows and green tube jigs. Bream are good on crickets and nightcrawlers. Channel and blue catfish are good on punchbait. Yellow catfish are slow.
GREENBELT: 32.21 feet low. Black bass are fair on Rat-L-Traps, Texas rigged worms and jigs. Crappie are fair to good on live minnows. Catfish are fair to good on nightcrawlers.
MACKENZIE: 73.15 feet low. Black bass are fair on topwaters, Texas rigs and shad pattern medium running crankbaits. Catfish are fair to good on nightcrawlers. No reports on crappie.
MEREDITH: Water fairly clear; 72-79 degrees; 54.56 feet low. Black bass are fair on Texas rigs, jerkbaits and Carolina rigged Baby Brush Hogs. No reports of smallmouth bass. Bream and channel catfish are being caught in good numbers.
PALO DURO: 62.13 feet low. No report available.
ALAN HENRY: Water clear main lake, stained to muddy up the river; 76 degrees; 3.48 feet low. Black bass are fair on 7-inch Power Worms, spoons, topwaters and jigs. Crappie and bass are fair on minnows. Catfish are good on live bait and punch bait.
ARROWHEAD: Water fairly clear; 73-79 degrees; 1.31 feet low. Black bass are fair on squarebill crankbaits, Texas rigs and shakyheads. Crappie are fair on live minnows around structure. Catfish are fair to good on nightcrawlers.
COLORADO CITY: 14.53 feet low. No report available.
FORT PHANTOM HILL: Water off color; 72-78 degrees; 0.33 feet low. Black bass are fair on finesse jigs, Texas rigs and flukes. Crappie are fair on live minnows. Catfish are fair to good on nightcrawlers.
HUBBARD CREEK: Water off color; 76-82 degrees; 2.08 feet low. Black bass are fair to good Texas rigs, shad pattern crankbaits and watermelon seed jigs. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs around structure. Catfish are fair to good on nightcrawlers.
NASWORTHY: 73-79 degrees; 1.27 feet low. Black bass are fair on Texas rigs, split shot weighted flukes and drop shot rigs. No reports on crappie. Catfish are fair to good on nightcrawlers.
OAK CREEK: Water stained; 72-78 degrees; 9.66 feet low. Black bass are fair on Texas rigs, Rat-L-Traps and chatterbaits. Crappie are fair to good on live minnows. Catfish are fair on nightcrawlers.
O.H. IVIE: Water stained; 74-82 degrees; 36.18 feet low. Black bass are fair on Texas rigs, black/blue jigs and shakyheads. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. Catfish are fair to good on nightcrawlers.
POSSUM KINGDOM: Water off color; 74-81 degrees; 0.1 feet low. Black bass are fair to good on topwaters early, later switching to Texas rigs, chrome/black Rat-L-Traps and drop shot rigs. Crappie are fair on live minnows and jigs. White bass are fair on slabs and tail spinners. Striped bass are fair on live shad. Catfish are fair to good on nightcrawlers.
SPENCE: 49.66 feet low. No report available.
STAMFORD: Water stained; 72-79 degrees; 0.31 feet high. Black bass are fair on jigs, Texas rig and shakyheads. Crappie are fair on live minnows around structure. White bass are fair on live bait and Little Georges. Blue catfish are fair on cut and live bait.
SWEETWATER: Water off color; 71-78 degrees; 23.51 feet low. No report available.
WHITE RIVER: Water stained; 73-78 degrees; 20.34 feet low. Black bass are fair on chatterbaits, Texas rigs and finesse jigs. No reports on crappie. Catfish are fair on nightcrawlers and cut bait.
NORTH SABINE: Trout are fair to good under birds and pods of shad on soft plastics. Redfish are good in the marsh with high tides.
SOUTH SABINE: Trout are fair to good under birds and pods of shad. Trout are good at the jetty on live bait and topwaters. Flounder are fair at the mouths of the bayous on a falling tide.
BOLIVAR: Trout are good on the south shoreline on Bass Assassins, Trout Killers and Sand Eels. Trout, black drum, sand trout and redfish are good at Rollover Pass. A few birds are beginning to work.
TRINITY BAY: Trout are fair to good for drifters working pods of shad and mullet on soft plastics. Redfish are good on live bait around the reefs and in the marsh. Tides are above normal.
EAST GALVESTON BAY: Trout and large Gulf trout are good for drifters working deep shell on plastics and fresh shrimp. Redfish are good in the marsh and out the mouths of drains on the falling tide. Bull redfish are good at Rollover Pass.
WEST GALVESTON BAY: Sheepshead, redfish and black drum are good at the jetty on shrimp and crabs. Trout and redfish are fair to good in Bastrop Bay on live shrimp.
TEXAS CITY: Redfish are fair to good in Moses Lake on crabs and shrimp. Gulf trout are good in the channel on fresh shrimp.
FREEPORT: Redfish are fair to good on the reefs in Chocolate Bay on live shrimp. Bull redfish are fair to good around Surfside and at the Quintana jetty on crabs, shrimp and mullet.
EAST MATAGORDA BAY: Trout are fair for drifters on live shrimp over humps and scattered shell. Redfish are good on the shorelines on small topwaters and dark plastics.
WEST MATAGORDA BAY: Trout are fair on sand and grass humps on soft plastics and topwaters. Redfish are good on live shrimp in Oyster Lake, Crab Lake and at Shell Island. Trout and redfish are good in the Colorado River on shrimp.
PORT O’CONNOR: Redfish are good in the back lakes on shrimp and mullet. Bull redfish are good at the jetty on crabs, mullet and shad. Trout are good on the reefs in San Antonio Bay on live shrimp.
ROCKPORT: Redfish are good on mullet on the Estes Flats and around Mud Island. Bull redfish are good in the Lydia Ann Channel on mullet and crabs.
PORT ARANSAS: Redfish are fair to good on East Flats on topwaters and Gulps. Bull redfish are good at the jetty and on the beachfront on natural baits.
CORPUS CHRISTI: Redfish are good on the beachfront on mullet and shrimp. Trout are fair for waders working mud and grass on small topwaters, Corkies and Gulps.
BAFFIN BAY: Trout are good on topwaters and plum plastics around rocks and grass. Redfish are fair to good in knee-deep water on small Super Spooks, She Pups and SkitterWalks.
PORT MANSFIELD: Redfish are fair to good while drifting pot holes on topwaters and soft plastics under a popping cork. Trout are fair to good on the Kenedy shoreline on small Super Spooks and Corkies. Bull reds are good at East Cut on crabs.
SOUTH PADRE: Trout, redfish and snook are fair to good in South Bay and on the flats. Tarpon and snook are fair on DOA Shrimp at the jetty. Redfish are schooling in large pods.
PORT ISABEL: Trout and redfish are fair to good while drifting sand and grass flats on live shrimp, DOA Shrimp and Gulps under popping corks. Trout and redfish are fair to good while drifting deep sand and grass on Gulps and shrimp under rattling corks.