• Traffic won’t solve itself • We are all responsible for this island Traffic won’t solve itself Talk about a dog chasing its tail. Until we have less development, less people, less tourists, less cars, no matter how much money
• Traffic won’t solve itself • We are all responsible for this island
Traffic won’t solve itself
Talk about a dog chasing its tail.
Until we have less development, less people, less tourists, less cars, no matter how much money is spent, we are never gonna catch our traffic tail.
Don Hoyt, Kapaa
We are all responsible for this island
In trying to maintain a “balance” between maintaining our local, laid-back rural setting here on the Garden Island of Kauai with a means of keeping the economic vitality of the tourist industry flourishing, we need to be mindful and respectful of the needs and priorities of both sides of this spectrum.
When Uncle Tony talked about height limitations of structures (to be no taller than our coconut trees), it was a step in the right direction. Now, we need to deal with the limitation of motor vehicles (for both residents and visitors) and the means by which it will be possible to meander our way around the island.
There is also the “essence of aloha” challenge between us folks! It needs to be genuine, or otherwise we will all be responsible for the demise of that which makes Kauai special — the way in which we can truly get along with one another.
Along the way, it would help tremendously for all of us to be a part of the collaborative effort to “malama aina” — and that includes residents and visitors.
The extent to which we “take care of our environment” will truly make a big difference in protecting and preserving our beloved Kauai for generations to come. This is our shared responsibility.
We either are part of the solution, or we will forever be a part of the problem.
Jose Bulatao Jr., Kekaha