• Kauai needs to deal with waste • Thank you for gardening work Kauai needs to deal with waste The only realistic and long-term win-win solution to Kauai’s waste issues is a waste-to-energy plant. The high temperature incineration burns clean, creates steam,
• Kauai needs to deal with waste • Thank you for gardening work
Kauai needs to deal with waste
The only realistic and long-term win-win solution to Kauai’s waste issues is a waste-to-energy plant. The high temperature incineration burns clean, creates steam, drives turbans creates electricity and deals with our huge and growing volumes of waste. A model is the Spokane, Wash., facility.
A serious review, and then development is strongly indicated. A win-win for Kauai of effectively and safely dealing with waste and increasing clean electricity for our Island.
James Ahasay, Lihue
Thank you for gardening work
I just wanted to thank the gardening crew that seems to be maintaining the area surrounding the north side of the Hanalei bridge. I’m not sure who they are, but I just want them to know that it’s much appreciated.
Annette Surles, Princeville