• Recycling efforts fall short • That’s enough of this cartoonist Recycling efforts fall short How many more years must the public wait to see a true recycling and solid waste program get operational on Kauai? Where is the curbside
• Recycling efforts fall short • That’s enough of this cartoonist
Recycling efforts fall short
How many more years must the public wait to see a true recycling and solid waste program get operational on Kauai?
Where is the curbside pickup for cans, paper and green waste that we were promised long ago? Where is the MRF that Councilmember JoAnn Yukimura has worked so hard to get for years? I have lived on Kauai for almost 27 years and heard when I got here that our landfill only had five more years before capacity was reached. That five and 20 more years have come and gone and all that has been done is heighten and widen Mt. Trashmore with no new landfill in place.
So what is causing this problem with not only our solid waste program but with so many other ills that are permeating our county?
Our late Councilmember Tim Bynum had the courage to say before an election rally that we are not hiring the right experienced people to head our departments and thus problems are made and do not get solved. This may not be the only cause of our multitude of problems, but it is certainly one of the major ones. The person in the “trenches” cannot be expected to do their job right if the person leading the department does not have the proper skills to tell them what to do.
Our council certainly found the right person for our auditor’s position, Ernie Pasion. And, for me, he was the best, most efficient person they ever hired. He did his job by following his Yellow Book without fear of uncovering anything that could cause his job loss. The eight audits that he did were outstanding and hopefully they will be publicly reviewed to see if all his recommendations have been incorporated to make our county more efficient.
The mayor hired Larry Dill as our county engineer who was doing a fine job but for some reason he left and took a job with the State Highway Department.
The point is that there are a lot of very experienced, qualified people available who could deal with our problems and solve them but we are not hiring enough of them.
Our solid waste program certainly needs help and both the administration and the council share in the responsibility of finding out what needs to be done.
Glenn Mickens, Kapaa
That’s enough of this cartoonist
Most of this newspaper’s readers find the letters to the editor a great way for people to express their ideas. However, each day I find the cartoonist Rogers of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette themes hateful, dishonest and one-sided. He has berated the police, the Constitution, and on May 19 he called conservatives “right wing nuts and misogynists.” This guy is so far left he has fallen off his rocker.
I have found it’s not the Democrats leading the left. It’s the press. No matter what the story, the words being used to describe the president or the White House are “flip flop,” “scandal,” “lies,” “out of control,” etc., all of which are made up to present a negative image. None of the accusations have been proven. They’re accusations to keep the left viable because they have nothing else to offer.
They have found losing the election is so hurtful they are moving to extremes, they are becoming the fascists of our time. Not allowing people to speak at universities, one-sided press stories, safe houses. Time to take a stand. TEA: That’s enough already. Write to this paper and ask for cartoonist to present both sides. Get Rogers off this paper.
Bob Bartolo, Kapaa