• High price for cow’s milk • More suggestions on Trump’s wall High price for cow’s milk Last week, The Washington Post published a major expose of the U.S. dairy industry concluding that mega dairies scam consumers into paying extra
• High price for cow’s milk • More suggestions on Trump’s wall
High price for cow’s milk
Last week, The Washington Post published a major expose of the U.S. dairy industry concluding that mega dairies scam consumers into paying extra for “organic” milk that isn’t. The timing, a few days before Mother’s Day, could not be more appropriate. Dairy cows, worldwide symbols of motherhood, never get to see or nurture their babies.
The newborn calves are torn from their mothers at birth and turned into veal cutlets, so the dairy industry can sell their milk. The distraught mothers bellow for days, hoping in vain for their babies’ return. Instead, they are chained on a concrete warehouse floor, milked by machines, then impregnated artificially to renew the pregnancy and keep the milk flowing. When their production drops, around four years of age, they are ground into hamburgers.
This Mother’s Day, let’s all honor motherhood and our natural compassion for animals by rejecting the dairy industry’s cruelty. Let’s replace cow’s milk and its products, laden with cholesterol, saturated fats, hormones, and antibiotics. Let’s choose delicious, healthful, cruelty-free plant-based milk, cheese, and ice cream products offered at our grocery store.
Landon Goto, Lihue
More suggestions on Trump’s wall
James Rosen had fascinating solutions to get Trump’s wall built. He says he got them from social media (always a trustworthysource of common sense) and friends (we’ll give them the benefit of the doubt).
“Selling billboard advertising on the wall, and it could bring in millions.”
I asked two professional media buyers about this. They laughed out loud.
(I suppose you could have billboards on both sides — one side in Spanish — as a way to get Mexico to pay for some of it.)
“Build a memorial wall where you can buy bricks for $10 to $20 each to memorialize a loved one.”
As of April 21, Trump’s latest ever-changing estimate for the wall was $10B (not the super-duper version, but let’s stick withthat).
Assuming we go for the super-duper $20 brick, that’s 500 million dead loved ones. (The U.S. population is roughly309,350,000.)
Maybe every American will cough up two dead loved ones to get us over the hump. My refugee ancestors would be deeplymoved to know that they’re being memorialized on a wall blocking desperate people, many of them children, from seekingrefuge here.
I know, they’re smuggling drugs. Here’s a surprise: The cartels know about boats and airplanes. A wall isn’t going to stopthem.
The only idea Rosen hasn’t come up with is the tried and true way to get something enormous built cheap: Slaves. It workedfor the Egyptians!
Meanwhile, America’s cybersecurity is as porous as Spongebob. Anybody building a wall for that?
Alan Maislen, West Hartford, Connecticut