• Signs a waste of money • County regulating folks off island • Prayers have a lot of options Signs a waste of money While driving to the Westside on Kaumualii Highway from Lihue to Eleele and from Kekaha heading east to Eleele
• Signs a waste of money • County regulating folks off island • Prayers have a lot of options
Signs a waste of money
While driving to the Westside on Kaumualii Highway from Lihue to Eleele and from Kekaha heading east to Eleele I noticed these little orange and white signs that have the towns name as you enter (I’m sure that these signs are also on Kuhio Highway).
How much is these costing the county? And don’t we have enough signs on the highways that inform a person on what town their entering/exiting? This money spent could have been used for better use. Such as, help with repairing roads a little at a time. The signs are a waste of taxpayers’ money.
Needless to say, we have to pay someone to put up the signs.
Howard Tolbe, Eleele
County regulating folks off island
Without further comment on the misguided and inefficient effort by the county to regulate “illegal” short-term rentals, suffice to say that after over 30 years of paying high taxes and receiving little or no services in Moloaa (no water, no sewer,etc) and after many efforts over more than a decade to get legal only to be told (among other things) that we don’t qualify because we live there, the county has now wielded its big stick threat of 10K a day fines and shut down my “illegal” rental for the heinous offense of renting to willing and able people for a shorter period than the county requires.
This effort to create more long-term rentals or save neighborhoods or whatever nonsensical reason the county offers is, in my opinion, pure BS. It will fail to accomplish anything other than forcing local, lower income residents to move off island. It has already accomplished that with some. Unable to afford to live in Kauai absent short-term rental income, I am next.
The efficient solution is to change the zoning laws to make the entire island a VDA zone which it de facto is anyway.
Michael Wells, Moloaa
Prayers have a lot of options
If the nation is to pray, to whom should we pray? In the world, there are 20 major religions and 24 to a hundred major gods. In America, one source claims they are national security; money, riches and wealth; guns … oops, wrong gods. Another authority claims there are four: authoritarian, nenevolent, critical and distant. Pick one.
I think, in America — hope you agree — we have three major religions: Christianity, Judism, Islam. All three of these religions claim their God is head honcho. This seems to me to be pretty divisive. Here on Kauai, a Christian group will not pray with Jews, Hindus, Sheikhs, Muslims or anybody else who happens to worship a God that is not their God.
Religion, over all, it seems to me is an enormous shopping mall. Pick a religion and its God, take him home, place him on an alter and worship him at least once a week — along with others— and pray to him often to cure your gout.
So, it behooves me to ask, where do us guys who don’t believe in God go?
Bettejo Dux, Kalaheo