KAPAA — Lea Ingram said Toni Wass of Minnesota was snowed-in when she created her queen-sized quilt. “That’s why she’s here,” Ingram said. “She wants to get away from all that snow.” Wass said she created the quilt using her
KAPAA — Lea Ingram said Toni Wass of Minnesota was snowed-in when she created her queen-sized quilt.
“That’s why she’s here,” Ingram said. “She wants to get away from all that snow.”
Wass said she created the quilt using her Asian fan design, but Ingram quilted it Tuesday at Vicky’s Fabrics in Kapaa.
“I try to get here around the time of the Kauai Quilt Show,” Wass said. “I’ve been coming to Kauai for about six years and missed only one show.”
The Kauai Quilt Show runs from Feb. 10 through 22 at the Kauai Society of Artists location at the Kukui Grove Center near the exhibition area.
Show hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Friday hours are 11 a.m. until 8 p.m. A meet the quilters opening reception will be held Feb. 10 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the KSA gallery.
Wass’s quilt will join about 75 other quilts which will be on display during the annual show which is sponsored by the Kauai Quilt Guild, Nene Quilters, Discount Fabric Warehouse, Kapaia Stitchery and Vicky’s Fabrics.
“This is quite a bit for a small island like Kauai,” Ingram said. “In the bigger cities, there are a lot of quilts, but for a small place, this is a good number of quilts to look at.”
Many quilts on display will be for sale.
“There is no judging for this year’s show,” said Jenny Conley. “Instead, we will have the viewers voting on their favorite during the show. Once we tally all of the slips, we will have results of the Viewer’s Choice 2017.”
In addition to the show, Ingram said the donation quilts will be back.
“We have 37 quilts available for this event where quilt purchasers help the designated nonprofit organizations,” Ingram said. “Last year, a lot of the donation quilts were sold during the first week, and we ended up distributing more than $1,100 to the nonprofit organizations. Buyers have a choice of which Kauai nonprofit organization from a list that 100 percent of the proceeds benefits.”
People have a chance to meet quilters and hear stories behind their quilts.
Information: 652-2261, or leaingram.artist@gmail.com.