Toastmasters is slowing expanding around the island of Kauai. East Kauai Toastmasters recently had its official charter ceremony. The club officially chartered in May. Prior to that, the only Toastmasters club on Kauai was Club 2525, which meets in Lihue
Toastmasters is slowing expanding around the island of Kauai.
East Kauai Toastmasters recently had its official charter ceremony. The club officially chartered in May. Prior to that, the only Toastmasters club on Kauai was Club 2525, which meets in Lihue every second and fourth Tuesday of the month from noon to 1 p.m. at the Kauai County Liquor Control room.
Kenn Nishihara, club growth director from Oahu, attended to advise the Kauai officers on how to open a third club in Poipu.
The meeting opened with the East Kauai members receiving a congratulations certificate for chartering the new club.
The theme selected by the Toastmaster of the night, Gina Martinez, was, “Winter is near … or is it?”
The word of the day was obfuscate, meaning to make obscure; confuse.
There were four speeches that night, one being someone’s first — an icebreaker speech. An icebreaker speech is the first speech someone does in Toastmasters that gives the speaker a chance to introduce themself to the audience. The next three speeches all coincidently had an education theme.
Anyone is welcome to attend Toastmasters meetings as a guest. The other guest that night commented that the club was another reason why he should move to Kauai. He had been to several Toastmaster meetings on the Mainland and enjoyed himself at the Kauai meeting.
The night concluded with evaluations and awards. Nishihara said he was impressed by the club members’ enthusiasm and was surprised by the number of younger members who were a part of the East Kauai Club.
Nishihara plans on helping the Kauai officers successfully charter the new Poipu club.
On Feb. 13, there will be a special meeting for guests at the Poipu club. This is a free event and will be held at Kauai Christian Fellowship in Poipu starting at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments will be provided and all are invited to attend.
For more information, find the club on Facebook or email contact-2525@
East Kauai Toastmasters meetings are every first and third Tuesday of the month from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Kapaa Neighborhood Center.