• Mahalo from Mokihana Aquatics • Keep your cats indoors Mahalo from Mokihana Aquatics On Nov. 1, 1981, Mokihana Aquatics was formed as the Kapaa Swim Club. That’s right, we are 35 years old. Our program has seen success beyond anyone’s wildest
• Mahalo from Mokihana Aquatics • Keep your cats indoors
Mahalo from Mokihana Aquatics
On Nov. 1, 1981, Mokihana Aquatics was formed as the Kapaa Swim Club. That’s right, we are 35 years old. Our program has seen success beyond anyone’s wildest imagination.
Mokihana Aquatics has produced Kauai’s only nationally ranked swimmers — four times — and Kauai’s only nationally ranked relay team. In 1984 we had a girls (ages) 11-12 relay team that was ranked fifth best in the USA. We finished higher at a state championship, and serviced more swimmers, than any other program to date on Kauai. We host one of the biggest sporting events on Kauai, our annual Fun Meet, which brings so many people to Kauai that it is deemed economic development. We have also taught more people to swim, from infants to senior citizens.
These are but a few highlights of our program over the last 35 years. None of this would have been possible without our whole community at large, from Mana to Haena. From our local businesses’ and politicians’ support. From our corporate sponsors to the layman. From all Kauai. Mokihana Aquatics is truly Kauai’s swim team because you made it so.
On behalf of our swimmers, past and present, their families and our Board of Directors, it is an honor and privilege to say thank you, Kauai. You have truly made Mokihana Aquatics one of the best swimming programs on Kauai and throughout Hawaii.
Happy 35th, Mokihana Aquatics, and mahalo nui loa, Kauai nei.
Orlando S. Anaya (aka Coach O), president/head coach/director Adam Trepte, vice president/director Rochelle (Morales) Keoho, executive secretary/director Maile Silva, treasurer/officer
Keep your cats indoors
Protect your family, your cat, and wildlife! The only way to begin to protect all three is to keep your cat safely in your home. If cats do not already have toxoplasmosis, they can get it from something they killed and ate that had the toxoplasmosis parasite in it.
On Kauai, the toxoplasmosis can breed only inside cats. This doesn’t hurt cats at all. But the parasite form has already killed and is killing endangered monk seals, Hawaiian ducks, Hawaiian coots and the Hawaiian goose (the nene). Toxoplasmosis is also a danger to people.
Pregnant women and those with compromised immune systems are particularly vulnerable to this parasite. It can attack the nervous system, lungs, and liver in people who are not healthy.
Be a hero. Protect everyone. Keep kitty indoors.
Barbara D. Smith, Princeville