Many people will vote today. They will cast their ballots for president of the United States, for the Kauai County Council, prosecutor, legislators and charter amendments. We thank these people in advance for being part of the process that puts
Many people will vote today.
They will cast their ballots for president of the United States, for the Kauai County Council, prosecutor, legislators and charter amendments. We thank these people in advance for being part of the process that puts elected people in office. We hope there is a record turnout.
Unfortunately, many people will not vote today. They have their reasons. Some may not like any of the candidates. Some may believe they don’t know enough about the candidates or the issues. Some might believe it just won’t make any difference. After this campaign season, it’s understandable that some just don’t want to be part of this election process any longer and prefer to look ahead to better days.
However, if you are registered to vote, and you have the chance to get out today, we encourage you to do so. It might not be a perfect system, but it is what we have. And on that note, we offer a few words of wisdom from some sharp people that might prompt you to visit your polling site and make a difference in Kauai’s future.
w “Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves, and the only way they could do this is by not voting.” — Franklin D. Roosevelt
w “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” — President John Quincy Adams.
w “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” — Winston Churchill, on the floor of Parliament in November 1947.
w “A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user” — Commonly attributed to President Theodore Roosevelt.
And, if you need a little look at the lighter side, there is this exchange from the movie, Napoleon Dynamite:
w “Do you think people will vote for me?” — Pedro
“Heck yes! I’d vote for you.” -— Napoleon
“Like what are my skills?”
“Well, you have a sweet bike. And you’re really good at hooking up with chicks. Plus, you’re like the only guy in school who has a mustache.”
We also wish to say good luck to all the candidates for public office on Kauai. It is never easy when you put yourself out there and ask people for their vote. Like them or not, candidates do this because they believe things can be better and they believe they can be part of the process to make it happen. Kauai faces many challenges, from traffic to roads to taxes to a rising county budget and environment. Whether you agree with a candidate’s vision or not, give them credit where it is due. They had the courage to stand up and offer to lead the way. Communities need people to be leaders. It’s up to the public to keep them on right course.