Editor’s note: Old-timers might still remember the introduction from The Shadow radio program: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” Jerome Freitas, a retired state Department ofTransportation worker who is now better known as
Editor’s note: Old-timers might still remember the introduction from The Shadow radio program: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” Jerome Freitas, a retired state Department ofTransportation worker who is now better known as Da Shadow, since 2004 has been meeting with government representatives about problems he has discovered or that have been reported to him, and reporting the county’s responses.
Waha Road.
Many drivers turn down this road and end up turning around as it is a dead end road. Can the county install a dead end sign or no outlet sign?
A dead end sign was posted at this location.
Bicycle lanes.
Why is the bicycle lane near Hanalima Road (next to Mark’s Place) extra wide? What is the proper size or width for a bicycle lane?
Hanalima Street has a marked paved shoulder, not a bicycle lane. According to federal guidelines, the minimum width of a bike lane should be five feet against a curb or adjacent to a parking lane. On streets where the bike lane is adjacent to a curb that includes a 1-foot to 2-foot gutter pan, bike lanes should be a minimum of 4 feet wide (width does not include the gutter pan, since bicyclists are typically unable to use this space). Wider bike lanes are recommended on streets with higher motor vehicle speeds and traffic volumes, or where pedestrian traffic in the bike lane is anticipated. Width measurements are taken from the curb face to the bicycle lane stripe.
The public is concerned about safely crossing roadways. What is the plan for the future to place blinking lights at all crosswalks?
The county does not have any new flashing beacons scheduled for installation. Crosswalks and pedestrian paths around school zones are the focus at this time, as the county is utilizing Safe Routes to School funds as they become available. Please keep in mind that crosswalks along the state highways (Kuhie and Kaumuali’i) fall under the jurisdiction of the state Department of Transportation, not the county.
Hired security at the Moikeha Building.
How much is the County paying for the security services at the Moikeha Building?
Security service at the Lihue Civic Center was discontinued. However, the county did have a security contract from July 26 through Sept. 2 at the cost of $30 per hour for 14 hours per day, five days per week.
9. Maalo Road.
Please provide an update on the new landfill and resource recovery center on Maalo Road. How much did the feasibility study cost?
An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is being prepared to evaluate the environmental impacts of and alternatives to the proposed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWLF) and Resource Recovery Park (RRP) Project. As a result of early public scoping and outreach previously conducted, the public has indicated that the choice of access routes is an important consideration, due to potential impacts such as traffic, noise, and safety. Therefore, a Traffic and Roadways Engineering Feasibility Study (TREFS) is being conducted to analyze several feasible access route alternatives, identify public concerns, and assist in the decision-making process. The Revised Draft TREFS report, which details the engineering analysis of the access routes, is being completed and a public informational meeting was held to discuss the findings of the Revised Draft TREFS Report on Sept. 22. Public comments on the report were accepted up until Oct. 17. Following receipt of public feedback and upon completion of the TREFS, the County will choose the proposed access route, which will become part of the proposed Project to be analyzed in the EIS process. More information on the new landfill site can be found in detail on the County’s website, www.kauaLgov/NewLandfiIiSite
10. Kapaa Baseyard.
When will the old fuel tank at the Kapa’a Baseyard be removed?
This tank was removed.
Jerome Freitas can be reached at theshadow96751@gmail.com or 635-3528. Visit his website at http://theshadow96746.tripod.com.