Kudos to Josie Pasblo and the Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital staff on spearheading a huge cancer awareness walk Friday at Ke Ala Hele Makalae in Kapaa. Patti Ornellas of the American Cancer Society, Kauai office, was thrilled because the annual
Kudos to Josie Pasblo and the Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital staff on spearheading a huge cancer awareness walk Friday at Ke Ala Hele Makalae in Kapaa.
Patti Ornellas of the American Cancer Society, Kauai office, was thrilled because the annual Relay for Life at the Hanapepe soccer fields finished third in her region and fifth in the Great Plains region. Additionally, she said the North Shore Relay for Life held in August made its goals for fundraising and walkers.
Kudos to Lenny Rapozo and the Kauai Football officials for the contribution to the American Cancer Society in observance of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Placido Valenciano is a therapist with Mahelona Hospital. Lenny said all of the officials will have pink, and throwing pink foul flags, and the ball boys will also be in pink.
Leialoha Sanchez of the YWCA of Kauai was busy helping Kauai Police Activities League boxers create T-shirts Thursday night for the upcoming Week Without Violence observance. Officer Mitch Collier said these shirts will be flown at the Kauai Police Department building during that week.
But they still had the Drug Summit to attend Friday (sorry, my name is not Alden Alayvilla, Theresa Koki) at the Marriott Kauai Resort and Spa.