Editor’s note: Old-timers might still remember the introduction from The Shadow radio program: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” Jerome Freitas, a retired state Department of Transportation worker who is now better known
Editor’s note: Old-timers might still remember the introduction from The Shadow radio program: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” Jerome Freitas, a retired state Department of Transportation worker who is now better known as Da Shadow, since 2004 has been meeting with government representatives about problems he has discovered or that have been reported to him, and reporting the county’s responses.
Is Olohena Road scheduled to be resurfaced within the next two years?
A portion of Olohena Road, from the Kapaa Roundabout to the Kaapuni Road junction, was resurfaced in the fall of 2015 as part of the Eastside Collector Road project involving improvements to Hauaala, Mailihuna and Olohena roads. The remainder of Olohena Road repaving is planned for the next collector road project. Public Works is currently working with state Department of Transportation to get this project on the next Statewide Transportation Improvement Program cycle, which runs every four years. This program would provide 80 percent federal funding to complete the project. A timeline to secure the funding is not yet known.
Why is there only one crosswalk on Lawai Road at the Poipu Intersection Roundabout, and not on the other adjacent streets?
Currently, there is only one crosswalk on Lawai Road at the roundabout due to the existing pedestrian infrastructure which provides a safe crossing for all pedestrians at that location, including ADA compliance.
Solid Waste: What are the plans for curbside recycling?
Residential curbside recycling service is currently not offered to residents by the county as part of refuse service. In order for the county to provide islandwide curbside recycling service to residents, a Materials Recovery Facility (otherwise known as a MRF) needs to be constructed on Kauai. The county is currently reviewing its ability to build a MRF here.
In the meantime, Kauai residents and small businesses can subscribe to curbside recycling for a fee. Kauai Curbside Recycling provides convenient curbside recycling pickup every other week. Services are offered in all regions of the island.
Is there an update on the construction of more bus shelters?
As part of the mayor’s Holoholo 2020 vision, the county is committed to sheltering all 49 public bus stops islandwide by the end of 2018. The state Legislature has allocated over $2 million to assist in funding this three-phase project. Phase 1 was completed in March 2015 and provided six shelters. Phase II is now in progress, which will add another 17 bus stops islandwide. The bus stops recently installed from Anahola through Wailua were part of Phase II. Once the project is complete, all stops will be ADA compliant and will include a bike rack, trash receptacle and photovoltaic lighting.
Sunshine Markets: Sometimes the farmers market vendors appear to be selling items that may have come from the grocery store and/or Costco and not a home garden or farm. Is there a rule, that the sellers are required to only sell truly locally grown items from the garden or farm? What is being done to enforce this?
Please note that the following rules and procedures apply only to county-sponsored Sunshine Markets, not all farmers markets islandwide. Regarding Sunshine Markets, all farms are inspected by the Office of Economic Development before a vendor is given a permit. Upon applying, vendors have to submit an inventory list of all items that they grow or purchase from their approved “other farmer,” if applicable. Upon inspection of the farms, OED looks for all the items that are listed on the inventory list to verify that it is growing on their property. The “other farmer’s” farms are also inspected.
Random Sunshine Market inspections are also done at the markets to ensure that farmers are adhering to the rules. Once a month, farmers are randomly selected and inspections of their produce are done at the market against their inventory list. If a new item is seen on their table and it’s not listed on their inventory list, we schedule another inspection of the farm to make sure that the specific item is actually grown at their farm.
Jerome Freitas can be reached at theshadow96751@gmail.com or 635-3528. Visit his website at http://theshadow96746.tripod.com.