Letters for Aug. 17, 2016 The best to women, indeed Accolades to all the women! How so generously portrayed! My best to President Dilma Rouseff, the president of Brazil. Let us wish for her success in her impeachment trial. Cordially,
Letters for Aug. 17, 2016
The best to women, indeed
Accolades to all the women! How so generously portrayed!
My best to President Dilma Rouseff, the president of Brazil. Let us wish for her success in her impeachment trial.
Monroe Richman, M.D.
Joe Citizen can be part of solution
Things rarely stay the same, they get better or they get worse. The challenge is to face problems with solutions and turn the tide to things getting better.
Many of the problems we face here on Kauai are problems that began to develop during the watch and leadership of a good deal of our career government workers and politicians, those running for re-election or just changing chairs to a different office.
Traffic, housing, cost of living, high taxes, a failed school system, drug use — all have been a result of poor planning or poor response to emerging problems, initiating studies rather than solutions.
Those that have joined the race now are just Joe Citizen, the guy on the street who has seen enough and wants to be a part of the solution rather than perpetuating the problems. They aren’t professionals trying to cling to their job. They are successful people who want to see change for the better, to participate in planning for the future and anticipating problems that may arise and plan the solutions now.
When you vote an incumbent — or professional politician, you know what you are getting, exactly the same thing as you’ve already had. Yes, when you vote for a newbie, you are taking a gamble, but it most assuredly will not be business as usual, otherwise they wouldn’t run. These newbies are you — the public — who have said, “I have had enough.” I implore you, take a hard look at new guys.
Sandra Combs