LIHUE — Warren Perry of the Royal Order of Kamehameha said it’s official as the group took its position behind the float carrying King Kamehameha and his court Saturday. The Order of Kamehameha I was established on April 11, 1865
LIHUE — Warren Perry of the Royal Order of Kamehameha said it’s official as the group took its position behind the float carrying King Kamehameha and his court Saturday.
The Order of Kamehameha I was established on April 11, 1865 by King Kamehameha V to honor the legacy of his grandfather, Kamehameha the Great, who unified the Hawaiian Islands.
After resurfacing following the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani, the Royal Order of Kamehameha initiated and held the first observance of Kamehameha Day in 1904.
This celebration honoring Kamehameha has continued every year to this day, and Kauai was no exception in taking time out of the state and city county holiday to honor Kamehameha with a day-long celebration, which included a floral parade with all of the Hawaiian Islands represented, and a ho‘olaule‘a on the grounds of the Historic County Building.