Amber and Daphne McClure are both in New York for the Hokulea. But we got another Amber look-alike when Kylee Klutke from Denver, Colorado, made her appearance Saturday at the Kauai Community Market, joining her sister and grandma Sandie Kato-
Amber and Daphne McClure are both in New York for the Hokulea. But we got another Amber look-alike when Kylee Klutke from Denver, Colorado, made her appearance Saturday at the Kauai Community Market, joining her sister and grandma Sandie Kato- Klutke.
Liz Hahn is getting excited about shipping her last batch of betta for the final International Show this weekend. She’s still trying to perfect her purples. Elvrine Chow got a batch of ohia from a friend who went to Kokee last week, and Aletha Thomas was excited about the Monkeypod Jam Mango Chutney (she said the mango workshop was sold out last week). Morris Wise (the McMasters kihoalu performances still take place on Wednesdays at the All Saints’ Church in Kapaa) was busy chatting with Melissa McFerrin-Warrack even if the rain kept coming down.
Congratulations to Malu Vegas on her graduation (and where was Coach Leonard?) from college. Malu and her mom Laura got to play against each other during one of the final matches in the girls’ soccer event coordinated by Emily Medeiros as a benefit for the American Cancer Society (Patti Ornellas is still looking for teams for the North Shore Relay for Life).
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or