• The people need to be involved The people need to be involved I’m adding my two cents to Alan Parachini’s Kauai Perspective county manager proposal (TGI Forum June 5). I believe the worst mistake in hiring a county manager is
• The people need to be involved
The people need to be involved
I’m adding my two cents to Alan Parachini’s Kauai Perspective county manager proposal (TGI Forum June 5).
I believe the worst mistake in hiring a county manager is allowing the council or mayor to play a part in the hiring process. If this form of government is what the majority of citizens wants, then let the majority of voters decide in a special election that makes that decision for us. We need the option of hiring a manager that works for us. It would be a position of importance to everyone not just the wants and needs of the council. Every time we turn around it seems the public should ask for special elections so that the right decisions are being made for the people.
Our council would love to do the hiring of the new county manager. As long as he or she is on the same page as our council (majority) and willing to take a little training on how to kick the can like so many have over the decades. I think only then those who apply are assured that the probation time will be a short period.
Now the question. What’s wrong with the form of government we have as long as we can exercise the right to vote, since that’s the only way to make the obvious changes that are affecting our daily lives?
This is an election year. Enjoy the opportunity to make what you feel should be the right choices.
Steve Martin, Kapaa