Handwriting is a printout of the subconscious mind that provides a graphic portrait for character study. When the writer has a defined character, this individual stands upright, fortified with determination and empowered with will to achieve planned goals. All of
Handwriting is a printout of the subconscious mind that provides a graphic portrait for character study. When the writer has a defined character, this individual stands upright, fortified with determination and empowered with will to achieve planned goals. All of these character attributes show up in the graphic portrait.
A genuine character knows how to use power appropriately. When you are this character, you honor your capacity to bring into expression an idea, a desire, a vision or an ideal through clearly defined aspirations or intentions.
The archetype of the letter “Gg” personifies the nature of a genuine, empowered character. This archetype shares its attributes through two forms, “G” and “g.” The large “G” appears like the letter “C” with a symbolic-looking number seven extending downward. The “C” lets you know that the only real power comes from the heart, which highlights being thoughtful of others in your plans and desires.
The number seven associated with the letter “G” has a meaning of completion and achievement. It represents cycles of maturity further developed through the powers and attributes of the succeeding letters.
The archetype expressing through the small “g” tells you to be honest in your communications with yourself and others. It calls attention to your power. It says that you have the power to change attitudes regarding circumstances in your life, if so desired.
The graphics of the small “g” define character strength. Stand behind your commitments with determination; follow through on your word; be firm and resolute in attending to any emotions or subconscious resistances that may interfere with manifesting your desires and goals for your practical life experiences and well-being.
From the letter “Gg” you learn about choices. It teaches that there are two distinct paths. When you make decisions that give you feelings of calmness, being connected with your heart, and are fair with yourself and others, then you are following the path of peace.
If you choose to make decisions that are disruptive to your well-being and others, then you are following the path of stress, conflict and turmoil. The letter “Gg” says that with character power you can meet challenges that may be opportunities for change, and thereby enjoy a peaceful life.
Angeline Welk of Princeville is a professional handwriting analyst. She writes this regular column for The Garden Island and maintains a website at http://ourlivingalphabet.com She can be reached at alefangel@gmail.com.