Letters for May 2, 2016 EPA, USDA and FDA working for biotech firms, not our safety This letter is for tourists traveling in Kauai. In the same way as everyone traveling through Flint, Michigan, knows don’t drink the water because
Letters for May 2, 2016
EPA, USDA and FDA working for biotech firms, not our safety
This letter is for tourists traveling in Kauai. In the same way as everyone traveling through Flint, Michigan, knows don’t drink the water because it contains the neuro-toxicant lead, try to stay away from Waimea because the Joint Fact Finding Pesticide Report has recommended pesticide safety perimeter zones around biotech camps like Dow Agra, Dupont and Syngenta. These pesticide safety zones have not yet been implemented. If you have to drive through, think about rolling up your windows and turning off air conditioning, in case they are spraying neuro-toxicants like chlorpyrifos.
The Lancet Neurology writes in 2014, that prenatal and postnatal children can suffer permanent brain damage and neuro-developmental disabilities by exposure to chlorpyrifos. So especially any women, even Syngenta employees, who are pregnant, and young children should definitely not enter the properties of Syngenta and Dow Agra, etc. Once they set up safety perimeter zones and announce the times of their spraying of restricted use pesticides (RUPs) then it will be somewhat safer.
I came from Fairfield, Iowa, where the American Midwest monarch butterfly is on the near endangered species list which illustrates, “Don’t drive by farmers when they are spraying Roundup Ready.” Multiple replicated peer review studies in Insect Diversity and Conservation Journal, Scientific American, etc., starting in 2011, pinpoint the primary variable responsible for destroying the American Midwest monarch butterfly: glyphosate, which the U.S. Geological Survey reports, Aug. 29, 2011, cycles in the Midwest atmosphere, falling in rain and presumably helping along with actual spraying, to destroy the monarch’s habitat plant, milkweed.
The Roundup inert ingredient, the adjuvant POE-15, the herbicide carrier, is measured by physic’s mass spectrometry to be at least 1,000 times more toxic to human fetal cells than Roundup’s active ingredient, the herbicide glyphosate (Toxicology Epub, Sept. 21, 2012). Furthermore, the New England Journal of Medicine reports (August 2015) that the least toxic component, glyphosate, is a probable carcinogen. Even now there is, illegally, no adjuvant toxicity labelling on Roundup containers sold everywhere.
These examples illustrate that the EPA, USDA and FDA are working more for biotech corporations than the safety of Hawaiians and Americans. So while we wait for the ethical solutions like lead removal from water, safety pesticide perimeter zones and hospital testing, especially for kids exposed to RUPs, we can all work around it. Safety first!
Will M. Davis