Letters for April 23, 2016 All our children of God Regarding Mr. Garza’s letter: Perhaps the “righteous” and “non righteous” alike should remember that transgendered persons include our generation’s children … our sons and our daughters … and that we
Letters for April 23, 2016
All our children of God
Regarding Mr. Garza’s letter: Perhaps the “righteous” and “non righteous” alike should remember that transgendered persons include our generation’s children … our sons and our daughters … and that we are all children of a loving God.
To assume they are all predators is an insult to our common humanity.
Suzan Kelsey Brooks
West Des Moines, Iowa
Let’s not go back to Clinton
Mr. Oswald complains about nit pickers (TGI Forum April 20) yet he cherry picks one statistic about job growth from Jan 2009 to July 2012 and blames President Obama. Obama wasn’t even sworn in until late January 2009 and most educated people realize that it takes several years for policies to turn around the economy. The job losses and foodstamp increases were a direct result of the previous administrations failed policies that “ran the economy into a ditch.”
When our current president took office we were entering the worst depression since 1929. Big banks were failing, millions of homes were being foreclosed, auto manufacturers were on the brink of bankruptcy, job losses were 500,000 a month.
Under President Obama’s leadership, the big banks were “bailed out” General Motors was saved, and all the taxpayers money was repaid with interest. Our economy is now on the rebound with the most consecutive months of job growth since the mid 1990’s under president Clinton. Do we want to go back to that type of thinking and deregulation of banks that are too big to fail? Really?
Josh Johnson
Vote, but cast your concerns
There was a response to my Letter to the Editor from last week. But, I think that Steve missed my point completely. I didn’t say I didn’t care about who gets elected, I said I didn’t feel that any of those running had clearly earned my vote.
In the public, when things get done and everybody agrees that it’s a good thing, all those in office want to step up and take credit for it. But, when it’s the opposite, there’s never anyone to take the blame and instead point their finger at all the others in office.
So, Steve pointed out MLK and Rosa Parks and look how they were treated trying to make their point. They made a difference over a long period of time, but with much adversity and I applaud them. That’s not the point. They chose to do what they did. I choose to take the middle road and let things go like they are.
I can still complain about what goes on in government even if I don’t vote. I don’t take any blame because I didn’t pick those in office. I didn’t take a chance on casting a wrong vote for someone who fooled me into thinking they were a responsible citizen and deserving to run our government.
I will just wait and see who gets elected, who does what while in office and who deserves my respect. If you have a clear choice in mind and truly think they are good, please vote.
Jack Custer