Letters for March 29, 2016 It’s up to us, the world we live in I have thinking about and reading about capitalism, unfettered capitalism, corporate malfeasance, crony capitalism and imperialism as historically practiced by Britain and USA. I learned this:
Letters for March 29, 2016
It’s up to us, the world we live in
I have thinking about and reading about capitalism, unfettered capitalism, corporate malfeasance, crony capitalism and imperialism as historically practiced by Britain and USA.
I learned this: Transpacific Partnership Pact as well as World Trade Organization and North American Free Trade Association are none other than our politicians and corporations modern day version of imperialism!
Imperialism has been effectively practiced with government, military, corporate ventures of going in to other countries and sovereign nations to exploit, capitalize, seize assets, set up local governments that acquiesce to the dominators, strongarm them to turn their people, forests, fields and human capital to profit first and foremost!
Now we have ISDS Investor Dispute Tribunals made up of the corporations to rule among themselves (no, they do not engage with the courts, laws or rules but separate and totally binding including fines that will destroy any efforts to stop them) if any given countries laws/rules/regulations will or potentially prevent my corporation from making a profit now or in to the future I will stop them and this is for real and already happening under WTO and NAFTA!
This is imperialism and no my friends, this is not a joke but reality! This is exactly why we have to ask ourselves, our politicians, our religious institutions and our conscious if this is right, is just, is fair and if not do we simply stand by? What kind of world do you want? Do we really seek justice and human rights and dignity? Or do we allow, yes we, allow our politicians, corporations and policies to continue and actually exacerbate this insanity?
Ultimately it is justice, human dignity and being able to live without being totally and completely exploited. Anyone who pro ports “smaller government/eliminate oversight/let corporations prevail w/o laws-rules-regulations to protect us” ask who watches the fox in the henhouse or do we simply let it all be destroyed which is unfettered capitalism?
Yes we have choices here.
JD Ahasay
Let’s be informed about role of unions
In response to Mr. Gaylord Perry’s response to my letter (TGI Forum, Feb. 29) I indicated voters need to make informed decisions this election year, more than ever. I wish to inform him I was speaking from my heart, no union song book needed.
By stating only state workers and educators were affected by Walker gutting the unions, does he imply they are second-class citizens and below his standards & that of Walker & WI? I also pay taxes and I would honestly like to know his meaning of this statement,”When was the last time any of these jobs were shipped off shore, China?”
This baffles me, maybe he can explain. In the meantime, see how the fiefdom of WI & Walker are putting up boundaries for people to vote, via real IDs.
Google for the stories. It is a sad situation that should not be committed in 2016 in the USA.
Paul E DeRocle