• No hero is going to save America • IAL project should be carried out No hero is going to save America Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Captain America, Sanders, Clinton, Trump. This country is addicted to the fiction that a hero will save
• No hero is going to save America • IAL project should be carried out
No hero is going to save America
Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Captain America, Sanders, Clinton, Trump.
This country is addicted to the fiction that a hero will save us. There is no hero. We are not going to be rescued. This is fiction. The puppet show of all puppet shows. We are in a downward spiral. Biotech companies are not here to “feed the world” (if they were, they wouldn’t have built the Doomsday seed vault in Svalbard Norway, loaded with organic seeds). Big Pharma is not here to “cure you.” They want to help “manage your condition.”
We are being slowly and profitably culled to a manageable size herd. Inciting class wars, race wars, political wars and gender wars is just part of the puppet masters’ entertainment. The only future vision that will save anyone is restoring our relationship with mother earth. This vision of sustainability and community is already operating at the Findhorn Foundation, a sustainable ecovillage in Scotland and Perelandra in Jeffersonton, Virginia.
Their vision is about making peace with nature, healing the soil and tending the land. I know that many hopes and dreams have been invested in the puppet show. But it is smoke and mirrors. When the day of reckoning arrives, the mirrors will break and the smoke will clear. When the smoke clears, I hope you find a little patch of Kauai in your backyard, waiting to be planted and a shovel waiting to be picked up.
Krisztina Samu, Koloa
IAL project should be carried out
What is the status of the Important Agricultural Lands project which took two years to compile? Several companies dedicated land, and received IAL designation. This project was conceived as a planning tool by the state to save the best lands for agriculture?
Interesting that it was guided by an urban planner. I believe all planning should include/consider the lands which were designated by the IAL committee.
We all have seen problems from urban areas adjacent to agriculture. Follow through with the IAL project.
Sherwood Conant, Kapaa