PUHI — “Farmland,” a documentary on the lives of six successful young farmers and ranchers, directed by Academy Award winner James Mill, will be shown today starting at 4:30 p.m. at the Kauai Community College cafeteria. The presentation launches the
PUHI — “Farmland,” a documentary on the lives of six successful young farmers and ranchers, directed by Academy Award winner James Mill, will be shown today starting at 4:30 p.m. at the Kauai Community College cafeteria.
The presentation launches the Kauai Community College Agriculture and Science Speaker Series as part of its emphasis on promoting agricultural and science careers.
The movie will be followed by Margaret Schlass, who is featured in the documentary, presenting her journey of being a first-generation certified naturally grown vegetable farmer and business owner of One Woman Farm in Pennsylvania.
While on island, Schlass will be meeting with students in the Natural Resources Pathway from public high schools and at KCC. She also will meet with KCC credit and noncredit agriculture classes and tour several farms on Kauai.
Schlass’ life changed while on a study abroad trip to Peru, which she took while a student at Delaware University working toward degrees in art, history and anthropology. The trip ignited her love for farming, and following graduation, she went to work for Don and Becky Kretschmann, pioneering organic farmers in Rochester, New York, and at the Garden of Eve in Riverland, New York.
While not formally trained to farm, Schlass received her education from growers, and in 2008, at age 23, took the risk of starting her own farm and business.
After seven years, One Woman Farm is now a 120-member agriculture business.
Schlass grows and markets her produce through a Community Supported Agriculture membership program, farmers markets and a partnership with one of the largest group of restaurant owners in her area.