Editor’s note: Old-timers might still remember the introduction from The Shadow radio program: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” Jerome Freitas, a retired state Department of Transportation worker who is now known as
Editor’s note: Old-timers might still remember the introduction from The Shadow radio program: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” Jerome Freitas, a retired state Department of Transportation worker who is now known as Da Shadow, has been meeting with government representatives about problems he has discovered or that have been reported to him, and reporting the county’s responses.
Kele Road
Kauai Nursery has confirmed that they have taken care of the tree root that was causing damage to the roadway. What is the status update of the Kele Road resurfacing?
The county is currently working with the Post Master to determine proper jurisdiction of this road in order to determine the next steps for road repair.
Jerves Street
There is a crosswalk ramp mat that is upside down near 3180 Jerves St. Can this be addressed?
Public Works investigated this concern and found that the tactile rubber mats are installed correctly on both sides of the street.
Of the $13 million TIGER awarded to the county, will that money be used only for downtown Lihue? When will the money be made available? What is the county’s match?
The $13M grant from US DOT, TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) will go toward revitalizing the Lihue Town Core. The scope of work includes the following projects: safety improvements and the addition of pedestrian and bike lanes on Rice Street; a shared-use path from the Lihue Civic Center to the Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall; bicycle and pedestrian improvements on Hoolako Street; conversion of Eiwa Street to a transit hub; sidewalks to be installed on Hoala and Kalena streets; a bicycle boulevard will be added to Pualole and Malae streets; and transit services for the Lihue Civic Center will be expanded. This project is in line with Complete Streets/Safe Routes to School initiatives and the Lihue Community Plan. The county’s proposed match is subject to a final grant agreement between the county and the USDOT, which is expected to be completed in the coming weeks.
Kahau Road
On Kahau Road, leading to the Kapaa Baseyard, the road is torn up due to the large trucks that use the road. Can this be addressed?
The Public Works Department will consider the repaving of Kahau Road as a future project.
A couple years back, the Solid Waste division purchased a grinder to be used for green waste. What happened to that grinder? Is it in use?
The county once owned and operated a tubgrinder to shred green waste collected at county refuse transfer stations. Due to consistent equipment failure, green waste became backlogged at the various sites. Considering the tubgrinder problems and steadily increasing volume of green waste, the county sold its tubgrinder and began outsourcing all green waste shredding operations approximately nine years ago.
Does the county have any plans for Safe Routes to School near King Kaumualii Highway. Is there a schedule?
The county received a grant from HDOT to fund infrastructure improvements to support walking and biking to school. The proposed improvements are based on school and community input. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) improvements are planned for Hanamaulu Road, and Hoohana and Akuli streets, near King Kaumualii School. The scope of work for that project will include improved pedestrian crossings with flashing lights, a sidewalk extension, shoulder striping, and road patching. Design plans for this project are currently in progress.
What happened to the crosswalk that was supposed to be at Hoohana Street?
Improvements to Hoohana Street are part of the upcoming SRTS project mentioned above. As part of the SRTS project, the centerline of Hoohana Street will be removed and the road will be widened to include a striped shoulder for bicyclists and pedestrians, as well as an 18-foot two-way travel lane for vehicles. Parking will be retained on both sides of the street.
Jerome Freitas can be reached at theshadow96751@gmail.com or 635-3528. Visit his website at http://theshadow96746.tripod.com.