Letters for Aug. 25, 2015 Strange politics What a colorful situation we have in the early race to be the next president. The leader on the Democratic ticket has been taking virtual bribes from many of the world’s most corrupt
Letters for Aug. 25, 2015
Strange politics
What a colorful situation we have in the early race to be the next president. The leader on the Democratic ticket has been taking virtual bribes from many of the world’s most corrupt nations.
Also, she illegally used her own private server for her official emails. She obviously took this unusual step to hide her shenanigans. She then lied about the emails, destroyed evidence and obstructed investigations. While still leading the Democratic ticket, it is unclear whether she is headed for the White House or prison.
Next on the Democratic ticket is an outspoken socialist who isn’t even a Democrat. The fact that he would take office at age 75 probably doesn’t help either.
On the Republican side, there are a number of governors with strong track records that include creating jobs, reducing taxes and reducing deficits. They have proven track records of successful governing, far from the failures of Washington, D.C.
Carson and Fiorina are also excellent candidates. Carson is super-likable and intelligent. Fiorina has excellent experience as a leader of a very large organization. She would be an excellent candidate to be our first female president.
Yet, all these great Republican candidates have, so far, been trumped by a businessman who is not very likable and not much of a Republican. Donald Trump has been a supporter of left-wing causes in the past and a big contributor to Democratic Party candidates. Strange things are happening. Hopefully, good choices will be made in the end.
Mark Beeksma
Community Land Trust plan could end homelessness
I applaud the idea to try something to provide for the homeless. The proposed “transitional homeless” camp in Lahaina, Maui, should be welcomed.
The project is on a trial basis and proposes security measures. How will we know if something will work unless we try it? It could provide the model for future agricultural homeless communities. How often are you going to find someone, in the private sector, to provide an opportunity for an innovative way to address homelessness?
We’re going to need more options as homelessness will continue to grow. HUD housing guidelines contribute to the problem. The skewed numbers are not affordable for the wages earned in the tourism industry. It affects the rental market, making it unaffordable.
If we tolerate the existing affordable housing criterion, then we are responsible for the outcome, which includes homelessness and no chance of homeownership for many. Let’s find a solution to benefit the people that are essential to sustain our tourism industry and support community. Consider instead, Community Land Trust affordable housing. It is truly affordable and in perpetuity. The requirements of the homes being owner-occupied would put an end to outside investors that drive prices up.
Hawaii’s isolated environment justifies other alternatives rather than defunct government guidelines to regulate our affordable housing developments. Let’s end homelessness by providing truly affordable CLT housing.
In the meantime, consider alternatives to remediate our dire need to house the homeless that offers hope and a chance for a brighter future.
Michele Lincoln
Reefs should be a part of Haena project
I support the plan to regulate the flow of people into Haena and restore its original ahupuaa.
I have documented the coral reefs and marine life in the area now for 10 years and most of them have died. Is there a plan to restore the reefs in this proposed project? I would like to help restore the reefs and I am working with UH, NOAA, the USGS and Scripps doing a study of the current reef problems here along the North Shore of Kauai. Now that our coastline has been declared critical habitat for the endangered monk seal this may make it easier to halt the military operations effecting the reefs and marine life.
Terry Lilley