Every so often a book comes out that has the potential to make a profound and lasting impact on the way we see the world and our place in it. “The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century”
Every so often a book comes out that has the potential to make a profound and lasting impact on the way we see the world and our place in it.
“The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century” by George Friedman is such a book. Having decided to give this book a try on our way to Antarctica, I found I was completely absorbed from the first page. Since then, I have recommended it to friends, customers and acquaintances who have loved it and they in turn have recommended it.
In our bookstore, the book sells itself.
Events forecasted in this book have already occurred and are continuing to happen! In The Next 100 Years, Mr. Friedman, founder of renowned private intelligence and forecasting firm, STRATFOR, gives us an acute glimpse into the likely possibilities in our future. It begins with an enlightening overview of how rapidly our world has changed in the matter of one century, and how those changes were unexpected to the general thinking at the time.
It continues with an analysis of America’s rise in the world and a rather exciting assessment of our nation’s future. The book also delves into Europe, Asia, Middle-East, South and Central America, and elsewhere.
By utilizing his insightful understanding of culture, geography, socio-economics, population, and technology, he presents an unconventional and yet grounded assessment of where we are at and what is to come. His view is refreshingly objective — it is neither left- nor right-leaning — and, furthermore, what makes this book so accessible is that he presents information in a way that is both concise and easy-to-read. Mr. Friedman’s grasp of geopolitics is truly impressive as well as very interesting to read.
A friend of ours in military intelligence who read this book confirms: “This guy knows what he’s talking about.”
Ed and Cynthia Justus are the owners of “The Bookstore.” Info: 335-6469 or kauaibookstore.com.