Kaya is a 2 1/2 year old child with speech delays and limited attention span. She receives therapy services from Easter Seals on Kauai. The family consists of the parents, Kat and her five siblings. Both parents work alternate schedules
Kaya is a 2 1/2 year old child with speech delays and limited attention span. She receives therapy services from Easter Seals on Kauai. The family consists of the parents, Kat and her five siblings. Both parents work alternate schedules for the children and have found it challenging to make ends meet as father only works part-time. They would appreciate clothing, puzzles and a few toys as they have been unable to provide these things.
Through Christmas Eve, The Garden Island is sharing stories of families facing challenges who could use a little holiday cheer. Donations to the fund will be distributed by Zonta Club members, who purchase gift certificates at appropriate businesses to help make their wishes come true. Each donated dollar is carefully recorded, accounted for and spent wisely. Volunteers make this program a reality. There are no paid administrators. Donations go to help individuals and families.
The Garden Island/Zonta Christmas Fund was established in the early 1980s. Yoshiko “Dimples” Kano has been the longtime chair of the Christmas Fund Committee. Anyone making a donation of $50 or more can have their picture presenting the check published in TGI.
Only monetary donations can be accepted. Checks, payable to Zonta Club of Kauai Foundation, can be mailed to P.O. Box 3032, Lihue, HI 96766.
Info: Kano at 822-4517.
Here is another person who would benefit from The Garden Island/Zonta Christmas Fund.
– Devon is a quiet and isolated teenager. She loves to listen to music and express herself with funky clothes and accessories. Any kind of support with those two things will be magic for her this Christmas. Her family has pretty much abandoned her and left her to deal with depression, sexual abuse and fear all alone.
She could use some schools supplies to start the New Year, and perhaps cool trinkets to help her remember life is good even in the worst of times. Gas cards to help her get to therapy would be helpful, as well as DVDs for her to watch that will give her hope and inspire her to reach out to others.