• Hooser will stand up for the people • Don’t be influenced by political deception • County needs new management system • Double standard on water sales Hooser will stand up for the people While most candidates claim to be “for the people” it
• Hooser will stand up for the people • Don’t be influenced by political deception • County needs new management system • Double standard on water sales
Hooser will stand up for the people
While most candidates claim to be “for the people” it is not often in a lifetime when one meets a politician who actually walks the walk and stands up to the big boys.
Gary Hooser is one of those rare men. He hasn’t been afraid to challenge the big multinational conglomerates, and their pack of highly paid lawyers who believe they can run roughshod over our health and our well-being with impunity.
As a working man I am honored and proud to be able to vote for Gary Hooser.
John Patt
Don’t be influenced by political deception
Like many others on Kauai, I have received postcards saying untrue things about Tim Bynum.The postcards had no return address — no one wants to admit to the lies.
The postmark was clear, however: “Oakland, California.” It doesn’t take much more brains than a bowl of noodle soup to figure out that this is Big Money trying to influence Kauai’s elections. No matter what your opinion, please vote. And please vote based on what you know from Kauai.
I plan to vote my conscience without any outside influence.
I hope everyone else will, too.
Mary Mulhall
County needs new management system
I have been involved in Kauai politics since I moved here 10 years ago from Santa Barbara, California. I was elected to a local water board and was very active in the local political system for over 20 years.
Having read Joe Rosa’s TGI column (Oct. 19), “Council-manager system would serve county better,” I want to compliment him for his in-depth analysis of how our county is run and the changes it needs. Two other wastes that I would like to add to his laundry list of irresponsibilities:
We built two bridges on Kauai — one in Kapaa on Olohena Road and the other in Kilauea over the Kilauea River. The Olohena bridge cost us $4.8 million and the Kilauea Bridge cost us $12 million.
The Acrow Company who built the bridge over the Wailua River and has built other bridges on Kauai (basically prefabricated bridges) said they could have built both these bridges for about $1.5 million. So due to politics or whatever you want to call it taxpayers shelled out about $15.5 million more than they should have!
And the waste will continue to go on as long as tax money is there to fuel this waste.
As Joe Rosa said, carefully analyze the outstanding audits that Ernie Pasion and his staff did, and by addressing them no new taxes or fees would need to be levied.
I lived under the rule of a council-manager for years. County government, and seven incorporated cities within the county, all had council-manager form of government and it worked much better than what Kauai has today.
Taxpayers are screaming for change and there are only two ways that change can happen: electing the right people and incorporating a system with a winning record wherever it is used — the council-manager system.
Ken Taylor
Double standard on water sales
Kauai County sells water. It seems to me that the Kauai County is using double standards to protect itself.
Kauai Springs is using a water source provided by Knudsen trust. Why would the county not sue the Knudsens instead? Why is the county able to sell us water then?
Menehune Water does import the smaller bottles from off island but filters and sells us the five- gallon bottles from the warehouse in Puhi using county water.
When will someone from DOW explain the double standards of water sales?
John Robinson