HONOLULU – The Hawaii State Department of Health has confirmed four additional cases of measles on Maui and Kauai, bringing the total number of confirmed measles cases in two separate clusters in Hawaii to seven. “We are very concerned. These
HONOLULU – The Hawaii State Department of Health has confirmed four additional cases of measles on Maui and Kauai, bringing the total number of confirmed measles cases in two separate clusters in Hawaii to seven.
“We are very concerned. These additional cases are an example of how contagious this disease is and how quickly it can spread,” said Dr. Sarah Y. Park, state epidemiologist. “However, we also want to reassure the public that DOH staff continue to work closely with healthcare providers and facilities as well as CDC’s Honolulu Quarantine Station to identify and notify all persons who may have been exposed, to make sure they have appropriate monitoring or treatment as needed.”
Measles is so contagious that it will infect 90 percent of the contacts who are not immune. The best way to prevent measles is to get vaccinated.
“We are asking everyone to check their immunization status and contact their health care provider if they need to be vaccinated,” said Ronald Balajadia, Immunization Branch chief. “Although not routinely recommended for children under 12 months of age, infants aged 6-11 months traveling internationally to areas with active measles transmission should be vaccinated. Talk to your child’s doctor before you travel.”