Frozen pops are hitting this island, big time! Alan Van Zee of Hawaiian Island Juices had some for people to beat the heat at the Kauai County Farm Bureau Fair, and Greg Askew (he was working at the Kauai Grown
Frozen pops are hitting this island, big time! Alan Van Zee of Hawaiian Island Juices had some for people to beat the heat at the Kauai County Farm Bureau Fair, and Greg Askew (he was working at the Kauai Grown tent, too) had some for the NTBG opening of the Biodiversity Trail.
Neill Sams said he’s trying to get all the orchid clubs to participate in contributing specimen for the trail.
Kudos to Melissa McFerrin, Laurie Ho (her cousin Winona Harding came from Minneapolis to help), Jerry Ornellas (even got to see Myra Ornellas at the fair one night), Kelly Gooding (ask him about his “good” shirt), Sandi Kato-Klutke (how can Max and Maile not be there?) and the hundreds of volunteers on doing such a great job with the biggest shindig on Kauai.
Wesley Elmore is done parking cars and now is selling tickets for the Lihue United Church of Christ Labor Day breakfast which takes place Monday from 7 to 10 a.m. at the Parish Hall (good food, good people, good entertainment!)
Dennis Fujimoto can be reached at 245-0453 or at