• Many on Kauai support Superferry • Pre-emption strips local authority • If given a choice, yes to Superferry Many on Kauai support Superferry Ms. Cheryl O’Brien of Kapaa, I totally disagree in your views regarding the Superferry. Your Sunday letter on Aug.
• Many on Kauai support Superferry • Pre-emption strips local authority • If given a choice, yes to Superferry
Many on Kauai support Superferry
Ms. Cheryl O’Brien of Kapaa, I totally disagree in your views regarding the Superferry. Your Sunday letter on Aug. 24, “Superferry would hurt Kauai in many ways,” is not very factual. Let me ask you, are you in business for yourself, or are you saying this only because you really want to pay the high prices and costs of the airfares with luggage and those added incidentals imposed on you? If you are in business, I can truly understand your fear of the Superferry. You don’t want the competition, a great thing I believe would be good for the people of this island and everywhere else in the state of Hawaii. If you’re not in business, you would have nothing to worry about and would relish the thought that this competition will not allow the airlines to slap us with luggage fees and high airfare costs whenever.
You should really give yourself the chance to sit down and think about what you said and wrote and try to listen to the people of this island and not be selfish.
You mentioned the comparison of prices between Oahu and Kauai and the unfairness of the people from the outside selling their products here at a lesser price — store spaces, living expenses, etc. If that is not telling that you are not in business for yourself, what else could it be? If you are in business, you certainly have the right to say that the Superferry would hurt Kauai.
I wanted to comment on all that you wrote about in your letter, but I decided not to. I just wanted you to know that people like me would relish the thought of having the Superferry here.
Ray Domingo
Pre-emption strips local authority
Even as we have a county pre-emption measure killed in committee that aimed to take away the power of local rule (SB110), we now have a federal judge do just that, by ruling that our local legislation which was passed in a lawful manner, be deemed “invalid.” Never mind that it will be appealed. The chemical seed industry is effectively delaying the democratic process and weakening local rule.
“Preventing local decision-making contradicts the legitimate and necessary responsibilities of cities, towns and counties.” (Environmentalcommons). Historically, setting minimum standards by state legislation allowed local governments to pass ordinances that exceed those “floor” requirements. Pre-emptive legislation reverses this. “The counties need to be able to make their own decisions and have home rule.” (Senator J Kalani English).
This industry is now effectively going against our own local decisions with this tactic. This is a threat to our freedom and our rights and we, as a people, should be outraged. Anyone who supports this judge’s decision is in essence saying they oppose “home rule” and the very principles of our constitution and our democracy.
This industry is making a mockery of all the hard work that went toward the passing of Ordinance 960 by not respecting and accepting local law.
If a citizen can no longer help structure legislation in their own backyard because it is deemed “unlawful,” then, what is “lawful” anymore? The violation of our fundamental rights is the new “law.”
Danitza Galvan
If given a choice, yes to Superferry
The return of the Superferry is all about choice. Many people fear flying and many people experience seasickness. Both valid complaints. But having a choice in how to travel would be wonderful. And, yes, I do know about crossing the channels and even the Pacific Ocean in a small sailing vessel as I’ve done so. It can be very rough. I’ve also flown in a thunderstorm and that wasn’t pleasant, either. Give me the choice.
The talk of the Superferry being a troop transport in a negative manner astonishes me. Circumstances could occur which would necessitate our military to move things around. What harm in that? Our military may need to come to Kauai with equipment to rebuild after a hurricane, perhaps. I’m all for it. Our military is a good thing. It only makes sense to have a vessel that can accommodate many eventualities in a timely manner.
The residents of this state need a way to get to the other islands with our “stuff” and vehicles. To visit friends and relatives, to shop, to go to the doctor, to enable our children to compete in sporting events, to sell our wares or offer our services. Or just for a vacation. It’s ridiculous for an island state to not have a car ferry.
I’ve asked hundreds of people in recent years what they think of the failure of our state to keep the Superferry and they all said they were disappointed and would support its return. Bring on the choices.
Gayle Hughes