Vote. If ever one word was so important to Kauai’s future, it’s that word. Why? Because when you vote, you’re standing up for what you believe in. You’re showing you care about your community, past, present and most importantly, future.
If ever one word was so important to Kauai’s future, it’s that word. Why? Because when you vote, you’re standing up for what you believe in. You’re showing you care about your community, past, present and most importantly, future.
We won’t tell you that voting is an important right and something you should not take for granted. We won’t tell you our veterans and our military today preserve your freedom to cast your ballot. What we do want to say is that there is much at stake in this election. Yes, this is the primary.
You’ll get another chance in November. But the results of Saturday’s primary election will determine who will be standing for the general election.
Some of the future key issues the county council and mayor will be dealing with include property taxes, feral cats, agriculture, environment, roads, homelessness, a new landfill and balancing budgets. Whew. And there will be more, all of which affect Kauai’s residents.
If you’re happy with the way the county operates, you may want to vote for the incumbents.
If you’re not happy with the way the county operates, you may want to vote for the challengers.
In a TGI online poll, we asked: “What counts most regarding candidates for public office and deciding who will get your vote?” The results: “Experience” received 8.6 percent of the votes, “Fresh ideas” got 18.6 percent, and “Stance on local issues” received 72.7 percent. It’s clear, at least in our unscientific poll, local issues are No. 1 when it comes to casting your vote. With so many important issues facing Kauai now and in the future, it’s also clear your vote will impact the future of this island.
It’s not who sits on the county council that’s at stake. It’s the governor, a senator and lieutenant governor, as well, and state representatives, too. But those posts do not influence life on Kauai as much as the county council and mayor does and will.
You have many choices. Take time and read about these people who want to represent you. A special section with information about the candidates is available at The Garden Island.
Have a say in your future, and in the future of this island you call home.