• Poipu Rotary Club helping with cats • Candidate signs are on private property • Hawaiian Kingdom continues to exist • Pedestrian overpasses blessing in disguise Poipu Rotary Club helping with cats I know something about feral cats. I had brought four wild kittens from my farm to the
• Poipu Rotary Club helping with cats • Candidate signs are on private property • Hawaiian Kingdom continues to exist • Pedestrian overpasses blessing in disguise
Poipu Rotary Club helping with cats
I know something about feral cats. I had brought four wild kittens from my farm to the Humane Society. I have three feral cats at my home which I feed (just caught one and had neutered last week) and we have a family cat which we bought at the Humane Society. It took me three weeks from the Humane Society for a cage to capture that one cat.
It took five days before it went into the cage. The Humane Society has a long, very long wait time for a cage. So, we at the Rotary Club of Poipu Beach are doing something about it. We are providing the Humane Society with a $500 grant to buy more catch cages. We believe in the catch, neuter and release concept and hope there will now be even more help from the community to use these cages.
Bob Bartolo
RCPB past president
Candidate signs are on private property
I am writing to respond to a letter written to comment about candidate signs. He does not realize that those signs are located within private property, which is required by law. There are signs however, which are located within public property.
I live on the street of which he comments about and I pass those signs daily. It does not, however disturb me at all.
Aloha to all.
Cayetano Gerardo
Hawaiian Kingdom continues to exist
June 30 and July 1 were very intensive days for Kanaka Maoli and the federal Department of Interior coming to Hawaii-nei to see about America turning Hawaiians into what would be known as the Akaka TRIBE. Overwhelmingly, the consensus was for America to leave these lands.
One hundred and twenty years of undisputed documentation that annexation was illegal, Obama is a Hawaiian national and not a USA citizen and cannot lawfully hold the presidential seat. The corruption/fraud and apathy against our host culture has prevailed to this date in time.
Should you have interest in seeing where you might fit in should it be that the 99.9 percent Kanaka Maoli prevail, grandfather clause would apply to those that would pledge allegiance to the Hawaiian Kingdom or even dual citizenship.
The Hawaiian Kingdom has been in “suspended animation” and absolutely continues to exist. http://www.olelo.org/ is showing all the recent DOI meetings. http://hawaiiankingdom.org/ is a valuable appropriate site to educate yourself, finding truth and justice. Researching is key for many issues that Kauai suffers from. GMO and political nonsense is also increasingly suspect for continuing the status quo. None of those running for office are any more qualified than those in place currently.
My wish is that everyone who is voted to seats will pledge allegiance to the Kingdom of Hawaii and work hand in hand with Kanaka Maoli to regroup, free Hawaii.
Debra Kekaualua
Pedestrian overpasses blessing in disguise
Everyone wins with a walking overpass at the Coco Palms Resort. A new pedestrian overpass positioned between the two existing signals with improvements for pedestrians would allow for removing the two existing crosswalks at the signals to cross the highway.
Allowing pedestrians to walk above the traffic has allowed us to reach out at different options in finding ways to keep snarled bumper-to-bumper stopped traffic moving. With the two crosswalks gone, traffic heading toward Kapaa from the airport signal would be able to drive the through lane at Hanamaulu signal (existing) and then in staying in the right lane, would allow not having to stop again until the Foodland signal.
Creating pedestrian overpasses in key heavy traffic/pedestrian areas, as well as roundabouts, and through lanes are just part of the efforts that can be made to better traffic flow management.
Steve Martin