An opportunity for eye on the Sun
People will have an opportunity to view the sun through specially filtered binoculars and telescopes at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Waimea Public Library.
The University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy will present a free “Daytime Sun — Viewing Event” in celebration of the 2014 Hawaii State Public Library System Children’s Summer Reading Program, states a release from the HSPLS.
Astronomers Jason Chu and Laurie Urban of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy will provide an introduction and information about the sun with participants given an opportunity to view the sun through the specially filtered optics. They’ll also have an opportunity to view sunspots, filaments and flares, if any are present that day.
The 45-minute program is suitable for all ages and will include a question-and-answer period. Young children must be accompanied by a parent.
The Waimea Public Library is at 9750 Kaumualii Highway.