HANALEI – The county has completed work on the upgrade and expansion of wastewater facilities at both Hanalei Black Pot Beach Park and the Anini Beach Park campgrounds. “Both systems were performing poorly due to an increase in park use
HANALEI – The county has completed work on the upgrade and expansion of wastewater facilities at both Hanalei Black Pot Beach Park and the Anini Beach Park campgrounds.
“Both systems were performing poorly due to an increase in park use over the years,” stated County Engineer Larry Dill. “Because of the overuse, we were experiencing backflows and overflows on a regular basis. Something had to be done to protect the resource and better serve our park users.”
At both parks, the work included installing additional leach field absorption beds. An added benefit at Black Pot was the installation of new pumps and re-routing pipe lines to improve treatment of wastewater prior to getting to the leach fields.
“Better treated effluent increases the performance of the leach field,” Dill said in a press release.
Following a field investigation of 55 of the county’s parks in the fall of 2013 by Mayor Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr. and a number of his department heads, the wastewater upgrades were identified as priority projects.
The work at Black Pot was completed for $61,000. At Anini, the total cost of the upgrade was $35,800.
“This is money well-spent to double the capacity of these systems and provide facilities that are clean, reliable and environmentally sound,” Carvalho stated.