• Know about climate change • ‘A Few Good Men’ a terrific show • Coco Palms won’t be all roses • Self-help key to overcoming mental illnesss Know about climate change In response to the Guest Commentary, “Time to Get Real abut Climate Change,”
• Know about climate change • ‘A Few Good Men’ a terrific show • Coco Palms won’t be all roses • Self-help key to overcoming mental illnesss
Know about climate change
In response to the Guest Commentary, “Time to Get Real abut Climate Change,” Sunday, May 18.
Tim Harris, I am not a scientist, I try very hard not to indulge in name calling. But my husband was an engineer and he taught me, “If it can be measured, it’s there.” We are experiencing global warming. It can be measured. We can measure an extreme increase in CO2 since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. We have a Northwest Passage for the first time in the history of mankind. Glaciers are calving and melting at alarming rates. Seas are rising. There will be no snows on Kilimanjaro. Greenland could be lost. The American Southwest will be a desert. Man caused? Who knows. Please watch the excellent documentary HOME and decide for yourself. A metaphor: if one cleans up a rat’s mess in the hope it will clean out a rat’s nest, isn’t it better to give it a try?
Bettejo Dux
‘A Few Good Men’ a terrific show
Wow, did you see the play at the Puhi Theatrical Warehouse, “A Few Good Men?” The Aaron Sorkin play that was a fabulous movie with Cruise and Nicholson? Listen here, the cast is local, extremely qualified and should be on Broadway! Gosh, they are really, really good and all local folks. We must support our local, live theater. Yes, yes, some of the past productions have been mediocre, but this one is outstanding. Please go see our friends and neighbors — and then go tell it on a mountain.
RC Smith
Coco Palms won’t be all roses
It’s encouraging to read that Hyatt will manage the planned Coco Palms resort but please tell me who will manage the smell?
Ray Smith
Self-help key to overcoming mental illnesss
I loved the letter regarding mental illness from Dennis Alpeche (TGI, May 20). It shows the importance of self-help in overcoming any illness. Dennis followed his doctors orders, but he, alone, did the hard work. And, mental illness is an illness just like any other: heart: cardiac disorder; diabetes: pancreatic disorder; asthma: respiratory disorder; mental illness: brain disorder; autism: brain disorder. Only one of these disorders is stigmatized. Dennis should be applauded for persisting with education and landing a job at Coco Palms and working for 40 years. Not easy with the stigma as rampant as it is. It was a very enlightened person who hired Dennis to work at Coco Palms. They did not pay any attention to stigma, just to Dennis. I have mental illness in my family. The recovered ones, did what Dennis did: they persisted, practiced self-help, along with complying with doctors instructions. Do not be afraid to look up the statistics regarding mental illness and information on the websites listed below.
NAMI.org (national alliance for the mentally ill) Now on Kauai Bringchange2mind — actress Glenn Close website to eradicate the stigma. recoveryinternational.org — self help information and online meetings.
Anne Welsh