A community-wide celebration honoring the late Anake (Aunty) Stella Burgess is planned for Saturday at Poipu Beach Park. Aunty Stella, as she was fondly called, was an influential and well-known supporter of Hawaiian cultural values. She passed away Feb. 18.
A community-wide celebration honoring the late Anake (Aunty) Stella Burgess is planned for Saturday at Poipu Beach Park.
Aunty Stella, as she was fondly called, was an influential and well-known supporter of Hawaiian cultural values. She passed away Feb. 18.
Taking place between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., the event includes services at 10 a.m., cultural procession and protocol activities from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. and celebration activities from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m.
Stella Burgess was connected with many organizations and people involved in Hawaii’s host culture. She received numerous awards and much recognition around the state, county and from local groups.
“She shared her knowledge freely and enjoyed sharing with visitors and locals alike,” a press release said. “She was a balance between the western world and our cultural heritage ensuring all was always pono. Stella cared for and taught others to care for cultural sites on the South Shore.”
Organizers ask, out of respect for the Burgess ohana, that the public refrain from entering the segmented area of the cultural procession and refrain from taking photos or video during that time.
Info: Velia Shimamura at 639-6813 or Blanche Claonan, 482-0700.