• Island already has lots of beef cows • Nudity not something to fuss about • Klein got off easy with plea deal • What’s happening with recycled glass? Island already has lots of beef cows I support the dairy.
• Island already has lots of beef cows • Nudity not something to fuss about • Klein got off easy with plea deal • What’s happening with recycled glass?
Island already has lots of beef cows
I support the dairy. I think questions about it were more than adequately answered. There are beef cows all over this island. Is the plan to remove them all?
I like Aakukui beef. I’m sure I’ll like fresher, Kauai-grown milk and so will the tourists.
John Zwiebel
Nudity not something to fuss about
I grew up in Detroit, and I have seen people shot and die before my eyes. Once you witness an act that decreases the population, in all its horror, you will never again complain about seeing someone naked on the beach.
People are a stroke of God’s brush from his private art studio, whether they have clothes on or not.
If you are offended by nudity, go to a different beach. Why does your opinion matter more than the naked person?
Joseph Lavery
Klein got off easy with plea deal
Why was defendant Klein allowed to allocute in such a way as to not take responsibility for his actions in throwing a woman off a cliff on the Kalalau trail (TGI, March 19)? “I was there” and “something happened” is not an admission of guilt. It is a weasel plea to avoid the legal results of his actions.
Please let us all know in advance the day of his release and the exact location of that release. Then we can take steps to protect ourselves in case he “is there” and “something (else) happens.”
Suzan Kelsey Brooks
What’s happening with recycled glass?
Over the past two years, I have seen piles of glass — glass spread out as driveway material, or used as fill dirt. I feel this is the least economical use of this recyclable material. If it is too costly to send it back to a facility that can use it, it should not be collected at all. I was told by a company official that the glass I was seeing was only glass from windows.
Seriously, how many stained-glass windows are there in Kauai? The sample I took was of all colors: brown, green, white, etc.
How many man-hours are spent by individuals to clean, sort, and transport these bottles to the facilities where they crush it and send it out as waste or fill? I think we need to review our practices on the island for handling glass.
Vincent Reiley