Public Meetings for Sunday, Jan. 19, 2014
Kekaha Landfill Horizontal Expansion
6 p.m., Monday, Kekaha Neighborhood Center.
• New Business: Resignation of CAC member Imai Karratti.
• New Business: New CAC member Stanley Lazaro.
• New Business: Discussion on the CAC’s upcoming 2014 budget.
• New Business: Discussion and possible decision-making on update report from Solarize Kekaha Project.
• Unfinished Business: Discussion and possible decision-making on equipment for the Hawaii Rainbow Road Crew.
• Unfinished Business: Discussion and possible decision-making on final budget and project reports regarding the Boys and Girls Club’s Trashology 101 class.
• Unfinished Business: Discussion and possible decision-making on final project and budget reports for the St. Theresa School photovoltaic project.
Mayor’s Advisory Committee for Equal Access
12:30 p.m., Tuesday, Moikeha Building, Meeting Room 2A/2B
• Business: Election of Vice Chair for 2014.
• Subcommittee on Increasing Emergency Preparedness: Selection of members and outline scope of work.
• Subcommittee on Increasing Employment of Persons with Disabilities in the County: Selection of members and outline scope of work.
Special Kauai County Council Meeting
8:30 a.m., Wednesday, Historic County Building, Council Chambers
• Public Safety Committee: Communication from the Civil Defense Manager, requesting council approval to receive and expend grant $475,000 in grant funds from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security through the state Department of Defense for the State Homeland Security Grant Program’s 2013 fiscal year to continue enhancing the capability of state and local governments to prevent, deter, respond to, and recover from threats and incidences of terrorism, and continue support for the Citizen Corps Councils with planning outreach and management of Citizen Corps programs and activities, such as community response teams and neighborhood watch.
• Public Safety Committee: Discussion on Bill 2515 regarding a Kauai County Code amendment to increase tipping fee rates for business, commercial and nonresidential customers disposing solid municipal waste.
• Public Safety Committee: Discussion on Bill 2516 regarding a Kauai County Code amendment to address barking dogs.
Public Access, Open Space & Natural Resources Preservation Fund Commission
1 p.m., Thursday, Moikeha Building, Meeting Room 2A/2B
• Unfinished Business: Compilation and evaluation of the commission’s 2013 public process and the development of a biennial list of priority projects and 2013 report to the Kauai County Council and the mayor.
• Unfinished Business: Review and discussion on past recommendation and prioritization of the commission’s work plan/timeline of events and activities.
• New Business: Presentation by CIRI Land Development Company regarding their proposal to consolidate existing lots at Makahuena Point, comprised of 25 lots of record, one bulk lot and two unnumbered lots and re-subdivide the property into 10 single-family residential units of about one acre each and associated open space and infrastructure.
Police Commission
9 a.m., Friday, Moikeha Building, Meeting Room 2A/2B
• Business: Discussion on the 2014 goals and objectives for the Kauai Police Department