Ohana means everything. It surpasses all things and it can survive anything. A simple box of chocolates can sometimes mean more then all of the things in the world. It just all depends on who it is from. This box
Ohana means everything. It surpasses all things and it can survive anything.
A simple box of chocolates can sometimes mean more then all of the things in the world. It just all depends on who it is from. This box of chocolates melted my heart, made me smile and prompted me to write this reflective letter. The giver of the box of chocolates, you know who you are, and you know that you are the single most important thing in my life and always will be. Please indulge me for just a few moments of your time, to reflect on the past year and offer a thank you to a few special people, and I also want to thank the person who brought it to me on Christmas. Mahalo. You know who you are.
So, on that note, I would like to say mahalo to the many people who have put up with me over the years, loved me no matter what I said, did or thought, and if I have offended anyone, I beg forgiveness and ask for redemption.
I would like to thank TGI especially, for printing many of the letters I have written. It took a lot for me to come out of my shell the last few years, and being able to express myself here, has meant so much to me, so thank you to TGI staff, for giving me the opportunity to voice my opinions however odd they may be.
I would like to mahalo Bruna Stude, of Galerie 103 and Tom Leiber, for giving me an incredible opportunity recently. Bruna, you have elevated me to a height I am not sure I am ready for, but bless you for doing it. Tom, thank you for being so humble, and awesome, and allowing me to share with you, and for supporting my work. I would also like to mahalo the many artists who showed up recently to support me. Your hugs and support I will never forget.
Mahalo to the ohana, friends, neighbors, community, and state and county employees, and everyone I get to meet during the year for your kind words, support and encouragement. The whole island has helped through a very difficult time and “we” appreciate all of the things that so many of you have done and continue to do.
I wish everyone the best 2014 ever. Just remember, the world really is our oyster, so get out and catch those pearls of wisdom. Because the sun always rises and there is always a chance for a new dawn for everyone. Redemption lives for each person.
With the start of a new year, we can all strive to be the best humans we can be and try to let negativity fall from ourselves, hold your head high at all times and never let anyone ever think less of you. You are equal to every other human being on this planet no matter what your personal situation is. We come into the world unclothed and we go out draped in our legacies. Make yours the best it can be.
• Anne Punohu is a Kapaa resident.