LIHUE — The 4-H Ranchers accepted an award of $1,250 from the East Kauai Lions Foundation Thursday at the Lihue Neighborhood Center. Roy Nishida, of the EK Lions Foundation, said the award represented funds the East Kauai Lions received from
LIHUE — The 4-H Ranchers accepted an award of $1,250 from the East Kauai Lions Foundation Thursday at the Lihue Neighborhood Center. Roy Nishida, of the EK Lions Foundation, said the award represented funds the East Kauai Lions received from the Oshima Lions Club in October during the Oshima Lions visit coinciding with the 50th anniversary sister city celebration with Kauai. During the visit, Oshima Lions said the funds were to be presented to a group which supports young people. “Our goal is to teach the club members how to plant, grow, harvest, cook and share their products,” said Karen Kawamura, adviser to the Ranchers. Beyond the basic premise, Kawamura said members keep record books on their respective projects. “They also learn hands-on on parts of the body, meat cuts, and showmanship of their animals,” Kawamura said. “The 4-H members learn commitment, responsibility, caring and dedication during the course of completing their projects.” Brayden Poai, a 4-H Rancher member, said during the year, he raised a lamb as part of the program for the national 4-H youth development. “Too bad they have to die in the end,” Poai said. Nishida said in addition to the $1,000 award from the Oshima Lions, the EK Lions Foundation added another $250 for a grand total of $1,250 for the 4-H Ranchers.