• Civil rights key • Veto decision has gone viral • Gay couples have rights • Thanks for support of diabetes program • Chickens are indeed a threat Civil rights key Civil rights of LGBT individuals have been debated for many
• Civil rights key • Veto decision has gone viral • Gay couples have rights • Thanks for support of diabetes program • Chickens are indeed a threat
Civil rights key
Civil rights of LGBT individuals have been debated for many years with a variety of issues; employment practices, fair housing, hate crimes, military service and now marriage equality. Many of these issues have found their way into the highest courts. This past June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled DOMA and California Prop 8 were discriminatory and therefore unconstitutional.
Some people in Hawaii say let’s vote on it. Why? Do you really think the Supreme Court ruling won’t apply to Hawaii if challenged in court? What a tremendous waste of energy and money to even entertain such a foolish notion. The cases have already been presented, the arguments were heard and discrimination lost. The arguments being used against marriage equality here in Hawaii are all the same, nothing is different from what the Supreme Court heard and it was rejected. Civil rights are not dictated by religious beliefs but by courts of law. We urge our legislators to support marriage equality and put an end to this discriminatory practice, once and for all.
Noelle Cambeilh
President, PFLAGKauai
Veto decision has gone viral
Today especially, many people in the whole state of Hawaii and across the world see ignorance and arrogance in our politicians and land stewards bowing to biotech industry profits at the expense of our aina and ohana’s health and safety.
I write to you Mayor Carvalho of Kauai to let you know that my ohana and every one of our hoaaloha are now taking a firm stand against any politicians accepting the biotech poisoned blood money.
News of your decision to veto Bill 2491 that was passed in council with a 6-1 vote has gone viral around the world via social media, main stream media and everyone knows why you vetoed the bill.
Due to the fact that legal representation was offered by several high profile legal experts who reviewed the bill and would represent Kauai in case of legal challenges by biotech firms, your claim that “the bill was legally flawed” holds no truth or integrity.
Shame is what you are sowing.
Lawrence Ramirez Sifu
Kailua Kona
Gay couples have rights
“Let the people decide?” The people did decide — in 1998, when a constitutional amendment was passed, giving authority over same-gender marriage to the Legislature. That train has left the station.
As to the fitness of same-gender couples to parent children, that is so not the issue. Gay couples have been raising children for centuries untold, regardless whether their unions were recognized by any church or any government. What the Legislature does about same-gender marriage will not change that one whit.
Religious freedom is not the issue, either. Gay marriage will not be mandatory, so if you don’t believe in it, don’t have one.
Rick Luttmann
Thanks for support of diabetes program
This past summer, I traveled to Washington, D.C. to speak with my Hawaii delegation about type 1 diabetes (T1D) and the importance of research. I am one of 84,000 people in Hawaii living with diabetes.
I have had T1D since I was 7 years old. Earning my taekwondo black belt was not nearly as hard as managing my diabetes! Some days are easier than others, but there is never a day off. Every day over the last five years I have had to check my blood sugar and use insulin injections several times a day. If I don’t, I risk having complications from this disease, like kidney failure, blindness, and heart disease. My dream is to one day have a cure so others do not have these worries!
When I was in Washington, I asked our delegation to support the Special Diabetes Program, because this program helps with better treatments and life-changing technologies, like the artificial pancreas, so that I am safe and healthy when a cure is found. Like many of my T1D ohana impacted by diabetes, I was so happy to see our entire Hawaii delegation sign a letter in support of the SDP, showing how much they care about people like me living with T1D, and the importance of finding better treatments and a cure for T1D.
Thank you Sen. Schatz and Hirono, Reps. Hanabusa and Gabbard.
Taylor H.M.K. Kim
Chickens are indeed a threat
In response to the pro-chicken Kalaheo resident, check with any of Kauai’s wildlife refuges. Chickens are trapped and killed precisely because they are a threat to any ground-nesting bird that can’t defend its nest and chicks. Why endemic and native birds shouldn’t be protected elsewhere is not addressed by the writer.
As to avian malaria, the parasite requires a host. The mosquito is merely the vector. There is no more suitable host on Kauai than chickens. They are large birds with natural immunity and out of control numbers.
I’iwis and ‘alalas are particularly vulnerable, and the world’s population of the latter (Hawaiian crow) would fit in the back of your VW bus.
The writer didn’t mention the bird flu threat, which should be reason enough for eradication. At least confined chickens can be readily euthanized. Kauai lacks that luxury. It would be hard to find another locale where as many free-roaming potential disease carriers go unchecked.
Since your neighbors’ food sources and peace of mind are of no concern to you, the other reasons for controlling any vermin should be.
John Burns