Births for Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2013 TAYLOR — Misha Laney and John Benjamin Taylor greeted their third child, a girl, Ha’aheo Poki‘i Taylor, weighing 7 pounds 9.6 ounces on October 16, 2013, at Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital. BAGAIN — Janine
Births for Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2013
TAYLOR — Misha Laney and John Benjamin Taylor greeted their third child, a girl, Ha’aheo Poki‘i Taylor, weighing 7 pounds 9.6 ounces on October 16, 2013, at Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital.
BAGAIN — Janine Bagain and Jason Bagain greeted their second child, a boy, Jasiah Keolaholani Feliciano Moises Bagain, weighing 7 pounds 6.1 ounces on October 15, 2013, at Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital.
NUMAZAWA — Tanya Emura and Kainoa Numazawa greeted their first child, a girl, Charlie Ilihia Numazawa, weighing 8 pounds 4.4 ounces on October 15, 2013, at Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital.
LEE — Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lee greeted their second child, a boy, Joshua John Joseph Koa Lee, weighing 9 pounds 4.9 ounces on October 20, 2013, at Wilcox Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Lee is the former Kelsie Krueger.
HAILER — Mr. and Mrs. Hailer greeted their first set of twin girls, Scout Noelle Hailer, weighing 5 pounds 5.2 ounces and Saylor Jean Hailer weighing, 5 pounds 8.5 ounces on October 22, 2013, at Wilcox Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Hailer is the former Bonnie Hollingsworth.
SMITH — Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Smith greeted their third child, a girl, Ruby Diana Smith, weighing 9 pounds 14 ounces on October 22, 2013, at Wilcox Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Sonia Smith is the former Sonia Reed.
BJORNDAL — Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Bjorndal greeted their first child, a boy, Samuel Jack Bjornda, weighing 6 pounds 12.7 ounces on October 23, 2013, at Wilcox Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Alisha Bjorndal is the former Alisha Mahon.
BOYER — Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Boyer greeted their third child, a boy, Reeve Keouaka’ihikapu’okahikookeakua Boyer, weighing 9 pounds 1.2 ounces on October 23, 2013, at Wilcox Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Nicky Boyer is the former Nicky Choy.
UYEDA — Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Uyeda greeted their second child, a girl, Staysha Kumi Kamalei Uyeda, weighing 7 pounds 5.4 ounces on October 25, 2013, at Wilcox Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Shehan Uyeda is the former Shehan Sagucio.