• Kamalu Road • Ulu Ko Subdivision • Kapaa Baseyard • Arzadon Industrial Park • Kapahi Bridge Editor’s note: Old-timers might still remember the introduction from The Shadow radio program: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
• Kamalu Road • Ulu Ko Subdivision • Kapaa Baseyard • Arzadon Industrial Park • Kapahi Bridge
Editor’s note: Old-timers might still remember the introduction from The Shadow radio program: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” Jerome Freitas, a retired state Department of Transportation worker who is now better known as Da Shadow, since 2004 has been meeting with government representatives about problems he has discovered or that have been reported to him, and reporting the county’s responses.
Kamalu Road
Shadow: What is the status of the repair/replacement of the culvert on Kamalu Road?
County: A new box culvert design will replace the existing metal culvert. Engineering is presently in design and have several interagency needs to be completed. Public Works has a construction target of February 2014.
Ulu Ko Subdivision
Shadow: The Ulu Ko subdivision was built in 1992. There are no streetlights through most of the subdivision. I believe that was a requirement of the developer. Is this true? If so, how can the county assist in getting the streetlights installed? Also, when will they restripe the solid middle line on the roads in the subdivision?
County: This subdivision was completed as noted in 1992, and in 1995 the county adopted a streetlight policy. Based on this policy the subdivision does comply. In line with the newly adopted Complete Streets Policy, PW has determined not to restripe residential subdivisions as a means for traffic calming, which will promote walking and biking by the residents.
Kapaa Baseyard
Shadow: Were there plans to replace the fuel tanks at the Kapaa Baseyard? If so, what is the status?
County: Yes, this is a CIP project for FY 2014 in the process of contracting to remove and dispose of the old tanks. Once this is done, we will proceed with the installation of the new tank(s) and pumps, and we anticipate completion before the end of the current fiscal year.
Arzadon Industrial Park
Shadow: Near the Arzadon Industrial Park, the facility has been vandalized with graffiti. Can this be removed?
County: PW Wastewater Division will be painting over the graffiti.
Kapahi Bridge
Shadow: What is the update on replacing the Kapahi Bridge?
County: The Kapahi Bridge project is still under Section 106 Historical review, as mandated by the federal government. Once done, a final design can be completed. The present schedule is for a June 2015 project completion.